820-2850 No Audio device detected


Can you explain why U6630 has anything to do with the codec working?

History of the board? R6211/12, R1810/11/12/13 checked? Knocked off components around U6201?


New member
Had checked briefly what was obvious to me on U6201 before I posted. And saw someone suggest U6630 from a Google search. So I guess I was fishing. This is the same board that I just had the BL issue with U9600. Will check your suggestions. Thanks for the help guys.
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New member
Hi... All recommended components to check are good. I did have to replace DZ6700 and DZ6704 because the where both cracked but these are for audio jack. Other then that everything looks OK. Thanks.
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U6201 is the only thing left then, but seeing as there was more physical damage to the board my bet would still be a damaged/knocked off component somewhere.


New member
So I replaced U6201 and audio did start to work. After I shut it down and restarted it the audio did not work at all. I'm guessing that t isn't the chip itself but like you said a component around it because it seems like by heating up the area when I replaced the chip is what made it start working. Tantalum capacitors? Thanks man.
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More like something that is cracked. I cannot help you find the damaged cap/resistor. Only thing I can say is look closely and measure.

You are sure the complete device is not detected? Also nothing on headphone?