A1278 High system load after minor liquid damage


New member
We're working on an early 2011 A1278 Macbook Pro ( 820-2936-B ) that was brought in for light liquid damage. There was no corrosion or any signs of actual liquid contact to the board. We did replace the keyboard. The device boots normally except it almost immediately starts to appear very sluggish. When running TOP to see what resources are being used there's a system process called "kernel_task" that is chewing up 300% of all resources. Looks like the machine is basically DOS'ing itself. From a quick search online this can be caused by several things but most point to a bad sensor. Can you point me in the right direction ?


New member
Ended up being a bad sensor. Customer elected to replace laptop with newer model we were selling so while we didn't repair this one we did figure out the problem.