Salvage data from 820-00045 with dead/dying CPU?


I have a customer unit (2015 12" Retina) here that has a dead/dying CPU; the video scrambles immediately in the tell-tale signs of a dead CPU (hundreds of colored, flickering checkerboard anomalies, etc), and it never reaches the desktop. The customer wanted to know if data recovery was possible, but I can't think of any ways to get to it if the CPU is dead.

I typically do not mess with data recovery at all, for many reasons. But this is a good friend, so I figured I'd give it a shot. Is there any way to access their information for transfer with a dead CPU? I was thinking of just connecting it to another Mac via USB-C with the dead unit powered on (it will stay powered, just freezes/scrambles-out on boot), but I imagine the unit must boot in order to be accessible as an external/target-disk drive.

Any ideas?