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i do have 3.3v on PM_WLAN_EN_L, Ive got 0.135v on AP_PWR_EN. i checked and no short to ground on this line. it looks like PW_PWR_EN comes from XDP_DB2_PCH_GPIO10_AP_PWR_EN which is the same 0.135v. would this be an issue with the u1800?
i will check traces and report back. this is the first time I've had a board with no wifi and it not be the card/cable/connector issue, hence why i chose to start by replacing the card and cable. i will check for pm_wlan_en_L and ap_pwr_en. also.
working on this liquid damaged 820-3115, after u.c. the board powered on but had no wifi, and left shift key not working, also io0r sensor reading above hight point.
i got the shift key issue taken care of by replacing the keyboard connector.
Io0R current sensor is reading 10.999 a -I did...
ahhh i see. yea this one is just screwed im thinking. i never had one go all to shit while here and not messing with it. i think this rabbit hole is gonna just be a board replacement.
i would normally agree with you on that, had it been opened up before screwing up but thats not the case. machine came in we always power on to verify the customer issue if possible. Thats where it started going sideways. way before it even got close to a screw driver.
I would check inside the connector and the ribbon very carefully. i've had some of these where something gets stuck inside the connector and either bridges some pins or screws up the ribbon.
sure thing. not sure whats going on with this board. i want to start looking at cpu vcore, but get to bios and its not getting what it needs just power cycles. kinda a rabbit hole for me.
the power cycling issues happened prior to even being opened up, so i dont think it got stabbed with anything. there is literally no corrosion or signs of being dropped.
diod mode on these pins indicate shorts to ground with u8900 removed.
pin12 0.015v
pin13 0.0v
pin21 0.015v
pin22 0.0v
I'm working on this 820-3332 thats got me pretty confused. when the machine came in it powered on then the screen would go black at the apple screen and keep running, The tech working on it powered it up on smc bypass and now the board doesn't power on fully. i get the left fan to spin for about...
have you tried on external (without screen plugged in) ?. i have 3-4 of this same model that no one can seem to get posting video to the internal display. still working on finding a solution to this common issue with these.
i started playing around with the trackpad cable and sure enough got the problem to show up again. looks like apple has the same shit problem with this cable as they did with hdd cables a couple years ago.
didn't realize that would cause the keyboard to stop functioning also.
thanks again duke...