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  1. P

    where can i get sam cables?

    where can i get sam cables?
  2. P

    program a 2018 to 2020 Mac EFI

    where can i get sam cables?
  3. P

    a1708 no backlight

    I test now with lcd and do pram reset... PPVOUT_S0_LCDBKLT =55v upon checking with lcd..
  4. P

    a1708 no backlight

    sorry sir I'm not so familiar with MacBooks.. i try to test it with lcd tomorrow
  5. P

    a1708 no backlight

    i test the board without lcd
  6. P

    a1708 no backlight

    is this how to pram reset?.. option key +command+ P+ R?.. then 3x chime right?
  7. P

    a1708 no backlight

    may I ask what is the voltage of EDP_BKLT_EN?
  8. P

    a1708 no backlight

    U8400 voltage check ihave voltages on VDDD PIN5 = 5V VDDA PIN 18= 5V EDP_BKLT_EN=0v (no short) ..................................................... I have check voltage in f8400 it says 13.07v what do next?
  9. P

    a1708 no backlight

    diode mode reading 1.0 red to ground then black probe to PPVOUT_S0_LCDBKLT line
  10. P

    a1708 no backlight

    i dont have voltage in PPVOUT_S0_LCDBKLT .. no short in PPVOUT_S0_LCDBKLT ..
  11. P

    a1708 no backlight

    820-00875-01 this is the model number... i use flashlight on the screen i see image in the screen..
  12. P

    a1708 no backlight

    i am not so familiar in macbook .. what to do when a macbook a1708 no backlight?
  13. P

    a1708 no backlight

    i am not so familiar in macbook .. what to when a macbook a1708 no backlight?