I got an 820-00875 that is not liquid damaged but it overheats and shuts down randomly. I can boot the computer into the OS and it will works ok as long as I don't do anything that uses a lot of CPU power. Once the CPU gets up to like 30% or more, the CPU temps start going up and the computer will eventually reboot itself, or kernel panic. I figured out it only happens when the battery is connected though. If I unplug the battery, it works normally and does not overheat. I attached 2 screen shots from the CPU stress test app. One shows the test with the battery connected, and then other is the same test without the battery. You can see the CPU gets to over 90 Celsius after just a minute of the test, and it is only set to use 50% of the CPU. Without the battery, all temperatures stay low. I have tested the board in another case with a good battery, and same issue. The board is spotless so I am not sure where to look at what would be causing this.