820-02773 Lid Angle Sensor issue


New member

I am having issues troubleshooting a MBP A2338 M2 Macbook for a customer. I am fairly new to diagnosing Mac's and soldering, so don't blame me if I make a stupid question :p
The main issue is regarding the Lid angle sensor. UR300 (also known as UR200 in A2338 M1) was entirely corroded and blown, as well as the nearby area with JR200 and RR300/CR300. I have no working replacement for UR300 which is defined as SLG4AP44437V in the schematic's. Thus the screen does not power on properly, keyboard/trackpad/touchbar not functioning either.

Now I have measured with all the pins exposed (UR300/JR200/RR300/CR300 removed) and it seems the signal is okay based on the information provided in https://boards.rossmanngroup.com/threads/macbook-a2338-water-damage.64251/ I get 1.8v and 1.2v on the pins required.
Now my question is how to (temporarily fix, until I have a board I can pull UR300 off) the sensor area so it'd stay awake at all times so I can diagnose and troubleshoot further. I assume, since it's an OR gate (for UR200 A2338 at least) there should be a way to bridge it with jumper wires.

Any idea's how to do this? Thanks in advance,
~ Vlie


Staff member
First of all, welcome to the forum!

Connect a resistor between pads 1 & 6 of UR300; 33-68K should be good enough.
UR300's DMIC output signals don't require any atention, being already pulled-up by RR302/3.


New member
Thank you! Though I am hesitant to put a resistor between pad 1 & 6 because it might touch other pads (2 and / or 8). I've borrowed a dead board from a friend and will check next Tuesday if that part is OK.

Regarding JR200; that one is currently off the board. Is it required for UR300 to function? I might get a good one of JR200 aswell, just to be sure it'll hold up. Also, I am assuming CR300 is not critical for the board / chip to function? One of the pads (PP1V8_AON) is slightly damaged due to corrosion and I don't have a replacement for that one.


New member
I have bridged the two pads. Resistor wasn't working properly (made the keyboard flicker somehow) so I chose for a direct connection between the pads with a jumper wire. It seems to be working just fine.

Thank you for your advice!