820-3115-B no turn on, low PP3V42_G3H

Sr. Robot

Hi, got an 820-3115-B has green light, no turn on. PP3V42_G3H and PP1V8_S0 are low. No signs of water damage. Only fan spin on SMC bypass.

PP3V42_G3H = 3.4v

PP5V_S3 = 5.1v

PP5V_S0 = 5.1v

PP3V3_S5 = 3.3v

PP3V3_SUS = 3.3v

PP3V3_S4 = 3.3v

PP3V3_S3 = 3.3v

PP3V3_S0 = 3.3v

PP1V8_S0: 0.6v

PP1V5_S3 = 1.5v

PP1V5_S0 = 1.5v

PP1V05_SUS = 1.07v

PP1V05_S0 = 1.05v



Staff member
"PP3V42_G3H = 3.4v"
Low, really???

"PP1V8_S0: 0.6v"
There is the problem.

First compare diode mode reading on L7760 with good board.
If good, post U7760 voltages.
Check R7760/61.
You may need to change the chip...

Sr. Robot

Diode mode readings on L7760 are good.

R7760/61 Good

Replaced U7760 twice, now:

PP3V3_S4 = 0.6v

PP3V3_S3 = 0v

Replaced Q7800 no change.

P3V3_S4_EN is 0v


Staff member
Which other voltages did you lose?
Re-check the job you've done.
Be sure didn't generate any short on the board.

Sr. Robot

With U7760 removed the board quarter fans. Cleaned and replaced U7760 again just in case, these are the voltages:

PP3V42_G3H = 3.4v

PP5V_S3 =0v

PP5V_S0 = 0v

PP3V3_S5 = 3.3v

PP3V3_SUS = 3.3v

PP3V3_S4 = 0.5v

PP3V3_S3 = 0v

PP3V3_S0 = 0v

PP1V8_S0: 0v

PP1V5_S3: 0v

PP1V5_S0: 0v

PP1V05_SUS: 1.05v

PP1V05_S0: 0v

Q7860 looks good, P5V0S0_SS is not present.


Staff member
You had steady voltages before touching U7760; something happened then.
Check for short on all power rails.
Start with 3V3_S0 and 1V8_S0.

Trigger SMC_ONOFF and check for drop pulse at PM_PWRBTN_L (at same time).

Sr. Robot

Comparing diode mode with a good board in 0v power rails only PP5V_S3 is low (0.111 vs 0.402 on the good board)

PM_PWRBTN_L is pulsing with SMC_ONOFF trigger


Staff member
5V_S3 should pulse at same time; check that.
Also compare diode mode readings in opposite direction (black on ground).

Sr. Robot

Sorry yes,

U2650 pins 1 and 2 are pulsing for about 3v and pin 4 pulses for a few millivolts.

U2660 pins 1 and 4 are pulsing for a few millivolts and pin 2 for around 2v


Staff member
Check for pulse at voltages from page 22.
Pay atention to series resistors and coils.

Just in case, try known good BIOS.