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820-3115 board. Liquid damage I repaired 1 month ago and now back here again. Problem was arroun lvds connector. I replaced it again but no video, no backlight. I miss PP3V3_LCDVDD_SW
I checked U9000 and no short there. I also miss LCD_IG_PWR_EN
Sorry if I dont understand you, but screen to be recognized I should have at least one uncondition present power supplay to the screen. Isnot that LCDVDD?
I replaced this coil and now backlight is ok and video too. Everything work now.
But when I removed the lvds connector before I damage pins LED_RETURN_1 and LED_RETURN_6
However backlight is ok. There are no conction betwen LED_RETURN_1, LED_RETURN_6 and LP8550
It is easy to connect them as there are resistores but I am suprised it works. It make sense? LED_RETURN are not important??
Backlight is off again. When I power the board screen blink in white and then became black again. 20 seg later blink again and sometumes backlight appear for 3-6 seg only. After 40seg I noted thet LP got hot. Any thing suspect? I already replaced LP8550