Doubts about SMC from mac 2012 onwards.


I used new SMC purchased and when I weld it, in the tests the machine connects with 15mB of the graphics card and without audio, 820-00165 card. I would like to know if you need to program the SMC, or buy it taken from cards ?

Note: I'm a layman with macs and I'm using a translator to tell my problem, I hope you understand that.
In most your posts, your translations really suck bad, try using better translators, or try harder, it's easier for people to help you out if your posts can be understood better..

SMCs should only be taken off of donors (same boardnumber) to be sure that they're compatible, as is posted on this and a gazillion other forums on board repair many times.


Do you know of any supplier that I can buy SMC's: F2117LP 20H RVP, 980YFE and YFC, reliable, because here in Brazil there is a shortage of sellers to sell this component.