[SOLVED]820-00165 Rails too high, unstable


New member

No liquid damage.

PPBUS = 9.4V max unstable
PP3V42 = 3V7 Max unstable
S5 Rails also unstable, fluctuate all over the place.

What now?


Id start by looking at PP3v42 regulator/components, I say this because its a standalone regulator without communication to anything else, I think if you sort the high pp3v42 the other rails may drop back down, maybe try and power pp3v42 of a bench supply and everything else of a charger and see if the other rails start behaving normally.


New member
Id start by looking at PP3v42 regulator/components, I say this because its a standalone regulator without communication to anything else, I think if you sort the high pp3v42 the other rails may drop back down, maybe try and power pp3v42 of a bench supply and everything else of a charger and see if the other rails start behaving normally.

Nope, Fixed!
The high PPBUS is why I posted this thread but it turns out I was using a bad meter. Had me confused for fucking ages!

S5 rails where cycling so there was a short.
Turns out it was on PP5V_S4RS3. Short removed, power on all fine :)

Thanks for taking the time guys!

Please mark solved.
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