bios chip adapter sockets

hi guys,
i have got ezp bios programmer and i am successfully able to program bios chip on a1278 and a1286 models. i would like to find out about the adapter socket required to read the bios chips from models such as a1466 and so on .


New member
there's an issue with using adaptors on the newer boards it bricks them, much safer to just desolder the chip
hi philip,
i agree with you but the issue i have is that i have taken off the chip but that does not fit on to the adapters which generally come with the programmers . so i need to find the exact adapter and what is it called so i can purchase that and program the chip with a clear me bios .
hi philip ,
thanks for the information , Actually i have tried this already but the programmer always gave error message "detect chip error" . now closely looking on the bios ic the chip is 25q064a . this does not come up even in manual search on the programmer . i am now thinking that this programmer ezp2010 might not be compatible . i have xeltek programmer so i am going to try on it later on . which programmer have you used it on ? . thanks again for the help.


New member
Double check the orientation of the chip

I use a TL866, just looked up that chip and it is in the list of supported ic's


New member
I took one of the sockets for the SOP8 and whittled away at the plastic until the WSON8 fited into it. Just needs a little push to keep pins in good contact.... OK so it's a cheap fuck way to do it but I don't really want to spend $150 on a bit of plastic I might use a few times a month at most.



I just use some shitty £3 adapter from ebay. Have to solder the chip on. Takes 2 mins max.... Although I have nearly pulled the trigger on that $150 adapter a few times.
hi ,
sorry had been away so did not respond earlier , it turned out to be the ezp 2013 not being compatible . i used the xeltek and it worked out fine . i was programming the bios because macbook air was getting stuck on the loading bar so i thought may be corrupted bios . Still have not been able to resolve the issue . i read somewhere on the forums regarding this issue caused by the smc . i am going to test that and will update .
thanks to all of you guys for the great help .