Recent content by tcampbell34

  1. T

    820-02098 does not boot, Keeps restarting

    I Just tried and it would not go into DFU using the keyboard like it did before. I had to bridge SOC_FORCE_DFU to PP1V2_S2 and that got it into DFU. DFU restore fails however with error 9. I tried multiple cables and still get the same error. It seems to be restarting it self during the restore...
  2. T

    820-02098 does not boot, Keeps restarting

    Yes I did. I took all parts I replaced from a donor board that was functional, just activation locked.
  3. T

    820-02098 does not boot, Keeps restarting

    Hello. I have a 820-02098 that is not liquid damaged but would not boot to OS. When you connect the charger to it, it shows the apple logo for a few seconds, with no loading bar, and then it shuts down and does the same thing again in a loop. All ports show the same behavior. I tried DFU mode...
  4. T

    820-02098 5v only, boots when battery connected

    I replaced all the CD3217 chips and reflashed all 4 rom chips for the CD3217's, but still had the same issue. I was checking in diode mode on the debug connectors JG200 and JF200 and noticed different diode mode reading for some lines that were supposed to be the same. This lead me to finding...
  5. T

    820-02098 5v only, boots when battery connected

    Yes I tested with 140w USB-C charger and Magsafe 3 cable. Both give me the same symptoms. I do not find any shorts around CD3217's and all of them look clean. I tested with the computer booted on battery and all USB-C ports read my USB drive correctly, so not sure which CD3217 could be the...
  6. T

    820-02098 5v only, boots when battery connected

    Hello. I got a 820-02098 that had physical damage to U8100 by whoever previously attempted to worked on this. PP3V8_AON was shorted to ground because of this. Also had a short on PPBUS_AON which ended up being caused by C9222 exploding on the board. I replaced C9222, U8100 and some caps around...
  7. T

    Unable to activate Mac during macOS instillation

    I have seen this happen when someone tries to get around the activation lock by changing the serial number in the T2 rom chip (U4770) on the board. You can change the serial number on this chip but when you try to activate it, you get this message because the serial number does not match with...
  8. T

    820-02098 one port stuck on 5v

    It was UF980. With the charger connected, I was getting like 2.5v on USBC2_CC1_CONN but 0v on USBC2_CC1. Replaced UF980 with a chip from a donor board and now this port gives me 20v and works correctly.
  9. T

    820-02098 one port stuck on 5v

    Ok I tried that and now I get 5v 260ma for the first few seconds and then it drops to 5v 50ma. PPVBUS_USBC2 is 5.12v but PPDCIN_AON is only 4.76v. PPBUS is now 12.01v.
  10. T

    820-02098 one port stuck on 5v

    Does it need to be 5A? The highest I have on any of my donor boards seems to be 2A
  11. T

    820-02098 one port stuck on 5v

    Also changed UG000, no change. Checked diode mode values on JG600 and they all match with JF600/601. It seems this CD3217 is not communicating with the ISL or M1 to generate PPDCIN voltage
  12. T

    820-02098 one port stuck on 5v

    Yes I have changed UG400 and there was no change
  13. T

    820-02098 one port stuck on 5v

    Already replaced FG200. I have 0v on both sides of it.
  14. T

    820-02098 one port stuck on 5v

    I have a 820-02098 that had liquid damage on the UG400 side of the board. Liquid damage was moderate. I cleaned the liquid damage and replaced a bunch of corroded caps and resistors. I get 20v and the board turns on and boots to the OS when using any of the ports on the left side of the mac, but...
  15. T

    820-01700 SSD issue

    Hello. I have a 820-01700 board that had liquid damage on the right side of the board and PP2V5_NAND_SSD0 was shorted to ground inside of the board, under C9587. Since the short is inside of the board, I cannot clear the short. This board has 512GB SSD, so 5 SSD chips total (4 on the right and 1...