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  1. ALB-Repairs

    820-4924 keyboard and trackpad only work in EFi

    All voltages you said are present and healthy with the tpad connected. Removed the connector, no crap under it, connector replaced, no improvement, I think im done wasting time on this one.
  2. ALB-Repairs

    820-4924 keyboard and trackpad only work in EFi

    No Title Had a brainfart. Ignore old measurements. New measurements here, compared to two good boards. Cant see anything suspect, but the second good board seems a bit our of whack. (second good board has some corrosion on its trackpad connector though) Measurements uploaded as a picture to...
  3. ALB-Repairs

    [SOLVED]820-2915 GPU related headf*ck. Blue tint when using intel HD gpu

    Was R9656, measured 5.3kOhm instead of 100ohm. Thanks duke. Youre a star, i would have been chasing that for a long time. Im still madly confused as to how it went bad, no liquid on this board.ect. overall pretty happy though! :)
  4. ALB-Repairs

    [SOLVED]820-2915 GPU related headf*ck. Blue tint when using intel HD gpu

    I had a 820-2915 that had its gpu done in 2015/16 (216-0809000) This was done by apple, it quit on me and i fitted a new chip. It looks fine on the boot screen until the driver loads and then it goes blue, at first i thought id got a bad chipset sold to me, so i fitted another, and it has the...
  5. ALB-Repairs

    820-4924 keyboard and trackpad only work in EFi

    the trackpad is confirmed working (i always seem to have more than 1 4924 system in stock that i get to use as a testing shell.
  6. ALB-Repairs

    820-4924 keyboard and trackpad only work in EFi

    Did it show as a device? i get the bluetooth keyboard assistant pop up. Ive also tried it on a different SSD. Ive done all the other stuff like PRAM reset and reflash the bios
  7. ALB-Repairs

    820-4924 keyboard and trackpad only work in EFi

    I can remeasure if you like duke but i should probably recharge the battery of my Agilent U1512B. Will remeasure later, i think its one of the rails that starts low and then quickly rises to OL. Im confused, are you suggesting my top end Agilent multimeter is not up to standards? Other than...
  8. ALB-Repairs

    820-4924 keyboard and trackpad only work in EFi

    I really need to get a bench meter with diode mode dont i? :confused: Using a vintage fluke 8840A at the moment and hate handheld multimeters. Got out my handheld meter 1,3,5,7,9,11,13 OL 15,17,31,33,39,47,51,52,40,34,34,30,24,18,16,50,49 0 because GND TPAD_ACTUATOR_EN_L 0.8454...
  9. ALB-Repairs

    820-2915 216-0810001

    Duke is right, If you have a stencil you could always swap the vram out for 1Gb samsung or hynix
  10. ALB-Repairs

    [SOLVED]820-000239 (A1706) No power

    Found a shorted cap near the main corrosion area (next to a USB C controller chip). It was indeed PP3v42 (confirmed by testing the SMC_LID sensors) Now up and running again, it has a stained LCD but at least the customer has his data :) Mark as solved please
  11. ALB-Repairs

    820-4924 keyboard and trackpad only work in EFi

    All power rails seem to be there but it doesnt recognise the keyboard and trackpad in OSX only in EFI. Hate these sorta issues. Board has been tested in a know good shell
  12. ALB-Repairs

    [SOLVED]820-000239 (A1706) No power

    Ive managed to find it near the SMC (although there isnt that many components around the SMC on this model.) Ive also found it on the trackpad keyboard flex connector. I assume you are right in guessing pp3v42.
  13. ALB-Repairs

    [SOLVED]820-000239 (A1706) No power

    Yeah. thats what i thought, and it would make sense that i cant get any power anywhere without pp3v42 (or whatever variation these use.) i injected 1v into it but because its 2ohm and not 0ohm it doesn't pull enough current at 1v to heat anything. I lifted the inductor and checked both pads...
  14. ALB-Repairs

    [SOLVED]820-000239 (A1706) No power

    No Title Here is the bugger. Any clues would be awesome.
  15. ALB-Repairs

    [SOLVED]820-000239 (A1706) No power

    Hi. Got a painfull one here. Would love a bit of help. It only had small signs of corrosion around 1 of the USB controllers. Cleaned off thinking 'probably going to be all good after an ultrasonic' its not, i cant seem to find any power at any part of the board. Im using an 87w USB C apple...
  16. ALB-Repairs

    Replace 216-0810005 GPU with 216-0810028 ?

    ive soldered one, Duke is right, Stay well away until a bios has been built. 216-0810084 replaced with 216-0833000 Its no display at all, i will change the DEV-ID in the VBIOS however i doubt that will get it to display as far as i remember it will also need to be changed in the EFI side of the...
  17. ALB-Repairs

    A1534 charging issues (820-00244)

    Maybe the resistance of flux in such a densely populated part of the PCB. Had that issue on an alienware SIO chip once. Only ever came back to life after an ultrasonic clean. Im using Amtech 4300 (i find as its water soluble it cleans better) Anyhow, i cant seem to measure things around the...
  18. ALB-Repairs

    A1534 charging issues (820-00244)

    The heat from resoldering the ACIN resistors seems to have changed the symtoms a bit. PPBUS_G3H is now 3.7V and PP3v3_G3H has come up to 2.8v or so. Its still telling me its not plugged in. With the battery connected i can see ppBUS_G3H slowly rising from 6.90V it is currently now at 6.95V so...
  19. ALB-Repairs

    A1534 charging issues (820-00244)

    Decided to bypass Q3100 as the inrush protection. Still not producing PPBUS_G3H ACIN resistors pulled off and checked good. PP3v3_G3H is still measuring 0 as well.
  20. ALB-Repairs

    [SOLVED]820-3437 ppbus 8.18

    Low due to the SMC Check SMC_RESET_L.