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  1. Yustina

    Dimmed green light on 820-2915

    Yes, board 820-2915, ill forget about that resistor for now then. I can say that I have tried the basiscs like good dc in board, I have also troubleshot page 62 (not the battery part yet) and the only thing I dont have is SMC BC ACOK
  2. Yustina

    Dimmed green light on 820-2915

    thx for pitching in, yes, I have 3.42 on L6995.... so just to understand, if that resistor (R8798) does not measure what per boardview is supposed to measure, it doesnt matter?
  3. Yustina

    Dimmed green light on 820-2915

    the smc was changed..... when I follow the path for pp3v42, one of the components arrives to the resistor I mentioned and its supposed to measure 3.42V, It doesnt matter that it doesnt measure that? every component on the 3.42V trail measures BUT that resistor and since I still dont have a...
  4. Yustina

    Dimmed green light on 820-2915

    no, I dont know if the smc is good or not, it did not make a difference so , it seems im in the same boat.... Im here to learn so, I dont know if R8798 has anything to do with the green light, I was under the impression that pp3v42 is needed for the green light and I get all measurements except...
  5. Yustina

    Dimmed green light on 820-2915

    I have replaced the SMC, reballed utilizing Jessa Jones pyramid method, surprisingly I still get all of my pp3v42 and again, same issue as stated, R8798 is measuring low, it is NOT on the minus any longer and goes up higher, around 23mV, but still same situation with the strength of the light on...
  6. Yustina

    Dimmed green light on 820-2915

    ok, after a long work schedule I finally have one day off to mess around with this board, I checked my pp3v42 circuitry and EVERYTHING is checking out, with the exception of R8798, when testing in V DC I get minus 18mV and goes down slowly to minus 13mV, the resistance of this component is...
  7. Yustina

    Corrosion everywhere on 820-00165

    Thank you for your time
  8. Yustina

    Dimmed green light on 820-2915

    No no, I get 16V on D6990 pins 2 and 3, Im sorry for the confusion, i thought we were still talking about the measurements from the previous post. Ill measure L6995 and will more than likely use a power supply at this point thank you
  9. Yustina

    Dimmed green light on 820-2915

    I am still getting a very weak green light and no changes to the color when battery plugged in....
  10. Yustina

    Dimmed green light on 820-2915

    So, please correct me if im wrong, it is my understanding that 3.42V gets generated at U6901 so, if it is not being generetaed there and I have already replaced that chip a few times (with a known good chip), could it be that any component in the 3.42V line is preventing it from being generated...
  11. Yustina

    Dimmed green light on 820-2915

    Correct, I only get 16V. I am wonderig what could have caused the green light to be present for around 20 secs then slowly dimmed to a barely noticeable one and lost my readings.
  12. Yustina

    Corrosion everywhere on 820-00165

    There is no voltage present, i get no green light in the charger, I have not spent too much time with this board so have not troubleshot too much, I just basically needed to know if those test points by that diode were A MUST and if they were, what jumpers I needed to run, but they are not...
  13. Yustina

    Corrosion everywhere on 820-00165

    Here are the pics of the area of the board where the test points are gone (i apologize for the quality, cant find my camera), the diode in the middle is D7005. Overall the board looks fine, didnt find any traces messed up nor anything, with the exception of these test point that I thought were...
  14. Yustina

    Dimmed green light on 820-2915

    OK! the resistance to ground of the inductor L6995 measures .4-.5 Ohms, voltages of D6990 pin 1: .9mV , pin 2: 16.33 to 16.67V , pin 3: 16.43 V (I am using a 16.5V magsafe, my 18.5 is on the way!) Thanx! (I have taken off the inductor previously (L6995) and I still had that dimmed green light...
  15. Yustina

    Corrosion everywhere on 820-00165

    Its a mess and a hell of a project for my learning but really a great challenge ! I will post some pics once Im home.... the "holes" where the test points were are not in line with any component nor on any path that I can see, just at the sides of a diode (will post which one) that is part of...
  16. Yustina

    Dimmed green light on 820-2915

    Understood! I will do as soon as I get back home and post. Thx!!
  17. Yustina

    Dimmed green light on 820-2915

    Hhmm, on pin 5 of u6901 right? (Again, im new to this and my understanding is that PP3V42_G3H gets generated at pin 5 of U6901, of course I might be wrong. Im at work right now, will measure and post once I get back home). thx for your help!
  18. Yustina

    Dimmed green light on 820-2915

    Would a 16.5V charger fuck everything up?
  19. Yustina

    Corrosion everywhere on 820-00165

    Thanx for your reply! Ok, so no worries there on the "no stuff" areas, I was not sure about what it meant, now I know. As for the test points, these are gone from corrosion, not missing, didnt explain my self there. They are more so dark deep spots and I am thinking I need jump wires but not sure.