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Don't say that John :( if that was the case, wouldn't the CPU_PHASE coils not be pulsing when I bridge SMC_ONOFF_L? Also all the main power rails for ISNS are alive and well.
edit - if it's important info, when plugging in the charger PP5V_S0 and 3V3_S0 aren't immediately at 0.0v, they rapidly...
U1950 looks fine, pins 7 & 3 along with SYSCLK_CLK25M_SB pulse with bridging SMC_ONOFF_L.
All the coils devoid of signals to begin with pulse when bridging except for one--L3095. You can see if I'm missing any, I tested these:
L7130, 7560 and L7630 all have signals...
PM_PWRBTN_L responds--reoccurring pulses as long as SMC_ONOFF_L is bridged.
PM_SLP_S5_L responds--one pulse when bridging. I'm assuming the others do too.
ALL_SYS_PWRGD response, same as PM_SLP_SX_L--one pulse when bridging. What does this mean... :()
3.347 - PM_BATLOW_L
3.383 - S5_PWRGD
3.417 - PM_DSW_PWRGD
3.349 - PM_SLP_SUS_L
3.351 - 3V3_SUS
12.57 - PPBUS_G3H, you think this one is a little low? Know it's supposed to be 12.8 but didn't seem too far off.
Using OG charger, not a knockoff. I'll...
ISL is fine, measurements for those pins are correct.
U1950 pulses on 7 & 3, both L7310/20 pulse as well. I'm guessing the SMC isn't reballed perfectly--I don't have a stencil, and I'm guessing the SMC I have from a 820-00165 board won't work. Time to order a new one?
Liquid damage pretty extensively on the I/O board, but the main logic board was mostly untouched--only slight corrosion around U7330, nothing on backside.
Cleaned her up, no change in magsafe (goes green, then amber), fans do not whir. All main power rails are there, PP5V_S0 and PP3V3_S0 are...
Well, took off the SMC and put it back on, retinned the pads and after a lot of finagling managed to get er on and actually pop a light on the charger again. Yay!
Problem is I'm back at square one, where the fan only quarter spins. But hey, I'm grateful for that. Now I'm just not sure where to...
1.73v on SYS_ONEWIRE, could be SMC being off again I suppose? Along with still no green light on the charger, the fan now whirs intensely after a few moments of the boards being plugged in. I'll try another I/O cable just in case.
Doesn't replacing any BGA chip suck majorly? I guess I had to learn sometime! Thanks for your help! I'll keep it open in case the board decides to throw me a bone :)
edit: and hey! Resoldering the SMC caused the short to go away. What do you know, the simplest explanation is usually the...
No way to inject voltage right now, but no history of water damage.
Board at first wasn't turning on, just a quarter fan spin and had a green light on the charger, and since all power rails were present I decided to reflow SMC. Afterwards, green light booped away from charger.
I started snooping...
U7090 gets 15v nice and steady on pin 6, middling around .252v on G3H_SW on pin 4. L7095 shows 0.00 on diode mode, when I remove L7095 pin 4 of U7090 shoots up to 14v and diode mode returns a normal reading of around ~.3 on L7095. When I replaced it with a good L7095 tho, the short returned. Not...
Got a Mid-2015 15" retina board here, everything works fine except for the backlight on the screen. LVDS connector had corrosion on pins 2/3/4, LVDS cable had corrosion similarly on both LB and screen side in the same areas. Connector cleaned nicely, but the LVDS cable had pin 1 basically broken...
The C7001 board is fine, the R5280 board still has problems detecting the battery, and the board I started the topic about still isn't showing anything good--I think it's a bad ISL chips, but I don't have any good ones here to test. I should be getting some soon tho.
Still need help on that low...
Replaced ISL from donor board, no fan spin--pretty sure that ISL was bad... put back og ISL, got fan spin again. I really need more good 6259AHRTZ chips.
They're compatible between all 13" unibody models if the chip starts with 6259AHRTZ, correct? The stuff afterwards doesn't matter?
Turns out my C7001 board had a misaligned jack connector... well, that one is fixed. I hate people who strip screws.
Alright, so that leaves my 17/18 board in the dark still, I honestly think I probably toasted it somewhere and I'm running out of known good ISL chips to use.
The other board I...
Will do! I'll probably try tomorrow, I'm soldering on my knees and in the dark here... getting some microscope lenses in tomorrow hopefully!
C7001 doesn't show short anymore, but the board isn't powering on and dim light on charger still... I'll check the power rails and some more ISL stuff to...
I know the correct value, I'm asking you if the correct action in this case would be resoldering jumper wires from R7501/2 to pins 17/18 instead of replacing U7000 or not, since I'm already jumping the pads of R7051 and previous attempts at the jumper wires yielded varying results.
and what...
Also, on another board, R5280 pin 2 is low, around 1.6/1.7v instead of 3.4v, with no detection on the battery but everything else works. I've seen this a few times on these boards, common cause?
I soldered a wire between the pads for R7051, resistance is showing 12mohms between pins 17 and...