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I accidentally knocked of ceramic cap off an s8 plus board and don't have a donor board for it at the moment. It's C7060 - Samsung part number 2203-000725(per service manual). Does anyone know which value this is or does anyone know how to look up Samsung component part numbers?
Thanks for the suggestions, other hdd cable and usb caddy both yield slow results. I'll try flashing a clean me bios one I figure out how to properly use by bios flasher.
Replaced U2600 anyway for good measure, AVREF_SMC reads normally at 3.29v. Also, tried another good trackpad/flex and seems maybe a little faster but still lags, using 2 good SSDs and both are slow. I did notice that an SMC Reset wont stay shut down, it automatically starts the mac again. I...
Liquid Damage around TB, BL, ENET, FW, and U2600. I disabled TB, repaired ENET and FW, and replaced most of BL. I'm assuming the slowness is related to u2600. Also, had a slightly corroded through hole on PP1V2_S5_SMC_VDDC near SMC. Fluxed SMC and heated to 190 degrees for 10 seconds. I don't...
All resistors read normally on page 44/45
Page 44:
cpu and mcp voltage sense/filter have 0v
pbus voltage sense enable read normal
while checking voltages I noticed mosfet q7055 (7137) was broken with open line between ppvbat_g3h_charger and ppvbat_connect. I replaced it with a good one and it...
I believe I took the measurements after shorting smc_onoff, where there s3 voltages were missing before. When installed in the housing, pressing the power button turns on the hard drive but no fan spin, display or chime, pm_slp_s4 goes high and fluctuates between 0 and 3.274 every couple of...
Some liquid damage, a weird symptom is that hard drive powers up but no fan spin(except a small twitch when power is removed), does not recognize or charge the battery.
Liquid damage on R7120(ppbus_cpu_imvp_isns; 12.6v present) and gnd_impv6_sgnd. Also some corrosion at f4260/r4261(fw).
Hello Duke, yes it does turn on when shorting smc_onoff_l to ground with the trackpad disconnected. No reaction when trackpad is connected and smc_onoff is shorted. So does this imply the trackpad is bad?
Charger Only(amber light): 8.56v
Battery(100%) Only: 8.45v(machine off), 8.39v(machine on - after being turned on by charger then disconnecting charger)
Battery(100%) and Charger(green light): 8.56v
I also noticed that when turning on from a completely off state, the machine the fan spins on...
No corrosion detected, I use the power button. Won't work when completed shut down but when it's on it works normally, puts it to sleep, or I can hold to force shut down. Also smc reset works when charger is plugged in or Mac is on