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  1. MOberdick

    [SOLVED]820-2849 Trackpad click / no movement

    Replaced U5805 and it began working again.. Thanks!!
  2. MOberdick

    [SOLVED]820-2849 Trackpad click / no movement

    Plugged in voltage drops to 0.0v but unplugged remains at 3.2v
  3. MOberdick

    [SOLVED]820-2849 Trackpad click / no movement

    Disregard last comment... I have 3.2v where pp18v5 is supposed to be
  4. MOberdick

    [SOLVED]820-2849 Trackpad click / no movement

    PP18v5 is actually not present.. starting to troubleshoot and noticed pp5v_s3 is shorted.. Checking around U7201 now
  5. MOberdick

    [SOLVED]820-2849 Trackpad click / no movement

    So I have a 17" Pro here that has minor water damage near the trackpad but doesnt appear to have gone near the board. I replaced the trackpad as well as the cable twice and the trackpad is registering a click just fine but the cursor doesnt move. I have tried external bootables and verified the...
  6. MOberdick

    820- 2330 A - All the rails checked out okay but wont turn on

    Just to verify, you tried with everything unplugged except fan as Louis said? I've seen miscellaneous other bad parts cause this issue.
  7. MOberdick

    820-2838 No Power Unless Shorted Pads

    ahhh true... Not sure why i didn't think that through more haha. Well now everytime I press the power button the device SMC resets (according to the magsafe) rather than turning on. The only spot with noticable corrosion was near the SMC and I sure as hell hope that that isn't the issue.
  8. MOberdick

    820-2838 No Power Unless Shorted Pads

    Would jumping pin 11 of J5700 to SMC_ONOFF_L pad fix this?
  9. MOberdick

    820-2838 No Power Unless Shorted Pads

    So I have a Macbook Air here that was mildly water damaged, ran it through the cleaner and everything worked, even booted up except the trackpad. So I replaced the trackpad as well as the trackpad cable and now it won't power on without shorting the power pads on the back of the board. Once that...
  10. MOberdick

    [SOLVED] 2012 Retina 15" 820-3332

    Does it power back on again on its own after shutting itself off?
  11. MOberdick

    [SOLVED]820-3023 Backlight

    Turned out to be LP8550... Was trying to not have to replace the chip cause I don't have anymore in stock except doner boards which I don't necessarily trust.. but I grabbed one from another board and sure enough backlight is back.
  12. MOberdick

    [SOLVED]820-3023 Backlight

    So I've tried a whole new known-good top panel and still has no backlight, I guess this confirms a board issue. D9701 has 8.2v on it so i know power is getting through now but isnt this supposed to be a higher reading? Diode mode reading is 0.551.... from my experience this could be SW_0 and SW_1 ??
  13. MOberdick

    [SOLVED]820-3023 Backlight

    I have an image just no backlight Update: Well I feel really dumb now. Wasn't aware that the LCD had to be plugged in for it to pull power through. My main question was more specifically how much lower it had to be in order to open. Wasn't sure if it was as low as 1v or as high as 6v
  14. MOberdick

    [SOLVED]820-3023 Backlight

    So this project has been a little disasterous for me so far.. Was a routine Macbook Air LCD-only replacement (done plenty before) but after installation of a new LCD the backlight appeared to be out (could see apple logo on the LCD). I replaced the backlight strip because i had some scratches on...
  15. MOberdick

    820-3476 Missing PM_SLP_S5_L (Quarter fan spin)

    Yeah, and thunderbolt ports are powering thunderbolt drive as well
  16. MOberdick

    820-3476 Missing PM_SLP_S5_L (Quarter fan spin)

    So I've gone back and started testing some of the rails listed below: PPBUS_G3H -> 12.5v PP3V42_G3H -> 3.44v PP5V_S0 -> 5.13v (but it jumps around ocassionally) PP3V3_S0 -> 3.3v PP1V5_S0 -> 1.5v PP1V05_S0 -> 1.05v PPVCC_S0_CPU ->1.69v Everything seems pretty normal but im still not getting an...
  17. MOberdick

    820-3476 Missing PM_SLP_S5_L (Quarter fan spin)

    So theres no display on the screen but I appear to have entered S0 state now from what I can tell. I think there may have been a cold joint under U1950 and when Louis asked to look under it and I put it back on it fixed the problem. Right now PP3v3_s0 intermittently cuts in and out...
  18. MOberdick

    820-3476 Missing PM_SLP_S5_L (Quarter fan spin)

    ALL_SYS_PWRGD is at 3.3 now and the fan is spinning consistently? Not sure how this could have happened as I havent done anything since my last comment... I guess I'll plug it back up and see what happens
  19. MOberdick

    820-3476 Missing PM_SLP_S5_L (Quarter fan spin)

    pp5v_s4 jumps to 5.13v briefly while the fan starts to spin and disappears when the fan stops.... U1950 looks fine. I removed it but no signs of corrosion or damage underneath
  20. MOberdick

    820-3476 Missing PM_SLP_S5_L (Quarter fan spin)

    So on this wine damaged board... I have pp3v3_s5 and pp5v0_s5 rails but PM_SLP_S5_L is missing on u8170 causing it to be unable to enter into S4 state. PP3v42 is present and I have charger light. I narrowed it down to something near U1950 I believe which has 3.42v on pin 8 and 0.19v on pin 2...