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    820-00164-A Dead No Liquid Damage

    3v3_Sus is missing as is the PM_SLP_SUS_L SMC_ADAPTER_EN = 3.3v PM_BATLOW_L = 3.3v PCH_DSWVRMEN =3.1v PM_DSW_PWRGD = 3.3v Which RTC lines where you speaking of specifically?
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    820-00164-A Dead No Liquid Damage

    Green light to orange light PP3v3_s5 present PP5v_s5 present No shorts on P5vS4_S3 Missing PM_SLP_S4_L SPI area clean and pulled Bios and checked firmware its good and reading fine. Reballed SMC just to check for corrosion under it. Checked U1900/1950 area for corrosion. Nothing Replaced...
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    820-4924 Liquid Damage No Boot

    Board came in with liquid damage around CPU mosfet and Q7630, Also burnt pins in the Thunderbolt port. Removed and cleaned up the CPU mosfets and Q7630. Cleaned out the thunderbolt ports and It has green light switching to Orange. Fan spins in SMC Bypass and spins in normal boot once the cpu...
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    820-3115-B Resets if you unplug charger or measure voltage on SMC Reset L

    Well now its not doing it. i put it back in the frame to test a few more things and its working now.. It wont reboot like it was doing when I unplug the charger.
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    820-3115-B Resets if you unplug charger or measure voltage on SMC Reset L

    If I plug in the charger with battery connected it will go green to orange and does not auto boot unless directly after battery reconnect which seems normal. Power button functions properly on keyboard and it does this even when the keyboard is unplugged.
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    820-3115-B Resets if you unplug charger or measure voltage on SMC Reset L

    Yes it will run off battery alone and it will also run on charger only. If I plug in the charger while on battery only, it will start to charge the battery but if I unplug it the system will shut off and automatically reboot. Chimes again without pressing anything
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    820-3115-B Resets if you unplug charger or measure voltage on SMC Reset L

    board had liquid damage along top edge effecting Sys one wire system. Replaced all bad components, replaced U6901, U5010, SMC, SMC Reset 100K R5000 Resistor, and pulled R7000 to see if U7000 was resetting it somehow. Im kind of lost, the voltage when I meter the line is 3.4-3.42v but it may be...
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    820-4924 CPU Stencil

    Found it SR1700. Should be here between 2 weeks and 2 months. Thanks China haha
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    820-4924 CPU Stencil

    PPVRTC is .500 in diode mode. The main one that was damage. The pad is gone off the CPU is PPVOUT_S0_PCH_DCPRTC. It seems this line only goes to a bypass cap. Although this computer was failing to boot no 5v S3 with Heat on CPU/PCH. The heat was near this ball and there was decent corrosion on...
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    820-4924 CPU Stencil

    Anyone know off hand where to find the stencil for this CPU. I had one with bad liquid damage under the CPU. I have a feeling the CPU is bad but I did find some burnt solder under the CPU on 2 "non required" pads for internal bypass caps. Had heat in that very area and hoping this might fix it.
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    [SOLVED]820-3476-A Chimes but no Image

    Diode readings were fine for the lines but only thing i can think is the connector was screwing with a data line?
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    [SOLVED]820-3476-A Chimes but no Image

    Yes and I found out the issue. LVDS Connector looked perfect but something was messed up with it. I read an older post you had suggested LVDS even though they had 49v on backlight where in my case the backlight was working but no image. I guess they damaged something on the LVDS even though...
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    [SOLVED]820-3476-A Chimes but no Image

    Data lines for LCD all read 0.9 Mohms
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    [SOLVED]820-3476-A Chimes but no Image

    This one is odd Computer chimes, backlight turns on after a few seconds then keyboard backlight turns on. Screen is blank. New screen same results. LCD SW is 5v BL is 32v EDP,SMBUS,I2C BKL all are 3.3v LCD_HDP_CONN is 2.6v Data lines all are OL in Diode mode. No display on external monitor...
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    820-3332 Missing PM SLP S5

    Is the 15" dependent on the extra current available to boot or is it a signal line coming from the brick? It might just need a new cable end if its a signal issue
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    820-3332 Missing PM SLP S5

    duke I love you. Evidently my old 85w is taking a shit and thats why it worked intermittently. Got a new one to test with today and it boots up. Hopefully not a coincidence and it was the charger.
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    820-3332 Missing PM SLP S5

    SMC_PM_G2_EN is present 3.3v 3v3_S5 is 0.492Kohms resistance to ground
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    820-3332 Missing PM SLP S5

    Ok replaced ISL back to 12.4v on G3H