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  1. Mac Tech


    Any suggestions for this error? It comes intervened from another workshop. the machine turns on normally, but halfway through when the apple comes out, spots appear on the color screen, take the image externally to a monitor and it's the same problem. When moving the cursors and opening...
  2. Mac Tech


    I already have PP1V1_UPC_XA_LDO_BMC in the cd3215 that I was missing. I still don't have ppbus, is it necessary that smc is installed so that PPBUS_G3H is generated?
  3. Mac Tech


    This plate is intervened from another workshop. I don't have ppbus_g3h. I already changed U7000 it has 5v in usb c test. Present voltages: PP3V3_G3H The cd3215 has its ldo except u3100 and u3200 does not have PP1V1_UPC_XA_LDO_BMC
  4. Mac Tech

    820-4668 no output audio

    RESOLVED! I changed the audio jack and the sound came back, I removed the one that is in good condition and the audio goes away. It means that it must be connected for the audio on the speakers to work. Thank you @2informaticos
  5. Mac Tech

    820-4668 no output audio

    I did that diagnosis, disconnect the audio jack, it often shorts. That's why I discarded that possibility but still. You don't need to be connected for the audio to work, do you?
  6. Mac Tech

    820-4668 no output audio

    where do the speakers connect?
  7. Mac Tech

    820-4668 no output audio

    Yes. Audio: Integrated microphone integrated output System preferences Digital output - Digital optical output port
  8. Mac Tech

    820-4668 no output audio

    It has a volume icon in the system, at the time of raising or lowering the volume it is gray. I tried with another system and it has the same symptom. change u6201 and the same. pp4v5_audio_analog 4.45V PP3V3_S0_AUDIO_ANALOG 3.3V PP1V5_S0_AUDIO_DIG_FILT 1.5V i'm thinking it may be some of...
  9. Mac Tech

    820-00923 a1706 5v no ppbus

    measure continuity to ground at LB150 and L2950. if you have a value on the multimeter, remove that coil and test the 20v rise
  10. Mac Tech


    yes of course, I restored but I had to disconnect the power of the cpu. Because connected it gave me error 9
  11. Mac Tech


    So can you say the CPU is bad?
  12. Mac Tech


    machine 820-00850 that had almost the same problem, I solved it with apple configuration 2. Restore.
  13. Mac Tech


    CPU heats up
  14. Mac Tech


    I understand. The voltage is 0.81 V at all times.
  15. Mac Tech


    when removing U7711 the DDR voltage appears 1V. Check another board 820-01987-a and that voltage "signal" CPU_ZVM_L does not appear at any time. Change U7711 without positive results. I have a 820-00850 with the same problem.
  16. Mac Tech


    Hi everyone. I have this plaque, liquid drop. Coffee. The machine has 20V and consumption of 500ma. I have ALL_SYS_PWRGD I have CPU voltages I am missing PPVCCEDRAM_S0_CPU. This voltage comes out of U7710, the activation PVCCEDRAMS0_EN_FILT_BUF I'm missing, it comes from U7712. U7712 would...
  17. Mac Tech

    820-01521 No image on LCD but image on External Monitor OK

    It seems to be a backlithg issue, what is the voltage in PPVOUT_S0_LCDBKLT?
  18. Mac Tech

    820-00480-A SCREEN ISSUE?

    that's a screen flex problem. I have repaired some LCDs
  19. Mac Tech

    A2337 5V after Liquid damage

    U5700 generates PP3V8_AON_VDDMAIN reaches L8300 (MPMU_BSTLQ_LX) feeding U8100 (MasterPMU) also generates PP5V_BSTLQ_VOUT_MPMU, U8100 generates PP3V3_S2_UPC, PP1V25_S2 are responsible for power the CD3217B12, have I already checked the LDOs of each type-c controller?
  20. Mac Tech

    820-3476A NO BRAIN

    here may be the problem, this signal is generated by U5000 SMC. But some transistor may be blocking the signal. If I already change u1950.