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this machine not detect memory. I cant see sign of liquid.
L3330 shows 1.49V
changed U7300
what can i check next step any idea? ( I tried known good memory module, PRAM and SMC reset)
Customer said nothing happen but as you know users newer drops and liquid damage:) Not signs of liquid and case defective.. when i disconnect I/O board problem is continue.
I have A1425 and power off randomly one day working without any problem then shutdown machine by user 2 hour later cant open when OS loading or login screen power off.
Machine not have serial ( user said apple changed board in warranty but i m not sure) ASD gives this error;
Any idea...
when i measure U7200 pin 17 ( PP5V_S5_LDO) its show 10K resistance but know good board its endless. then injected 5V this pin U5805 is hot and removed that ic but u7200 also hot. Maybe my u7200 was damaged :(
Board was liquide damaged. After cleaning by ultrasonic cleaner it was worked but one day later it stopped. When i checked voltage cant see PP5V_S3.
When i checked u7200 its too hot and replaced it 2 times but nothing changed its also hot. After that i was removed...
Yes Louis when i put jumper U7000 10-11 pins PPBUS_G3H is ok ( first 13V then 11.9V ) machine starts. But i think cant see or charge battery? What is your suggestion? I have to Replace SMC?
When measure r7021/22/51/52 its shows correct value. removed f7040 nothing changed. But problem interesting 5 seccond PPBUS_G3H is 14Volt and down 2Volt for 5-7 second then again 14V up down up down:)
Problem solved after when i replaced U7600. Sorry dukefawks you are right board dont have PPCPUVCCIO_S0_REG_R so its cant create PGOOD signals.
Thank you.
Hi everybody
I have 820-2850 board, its have PPBUS_G3H 2V. When i checked voltage CHGR_UGATE is 2V so Q7030 cant create PPBUS_G3H. ( When i inject 12.8 V PPBUS_G3H line machine is working )
Replaced 3 times U7000 ,q7030,q7035 ( same time replaced) . I cant find ISL6259AHRTZ datasheet for...
Hi Everybody
820-2850 is working with charger , shows battery and charging but its too slow ( in 40Min. %2 charged). When i checked voltage see PPBUS_G3H is 11.8 volt but must be 12.8V. Louis wrote few times 1or 2 volts is missing on PPBUS_G3H its cause from SMC but i want to ask again any...
Thank you for answer dukefawks.
I checked again S3 and S0 voltages. I see peoblem at pgood returns. For example P1V8S0_PGOOD is not present but i can measure L7720 1.8V and same thing is P5VS3_PGOOD not present but L7220 shows 5V. When i inject 3.3V at ALL_SYS_PWRGD fan starts to spin ( SMC...