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Board was repaired 2 months ago ( liquid damaged a lot of place, ultrasonic cleaned and reballed SMC every thing was ok) but computer came back with fan noise and too slow. ASD report an error like bottom,
SMC: 0x0 (test #1) - SMC Critical Sensor Check Test
- Checks if the SMC...
I have 820-3208 come with liquid damage around SMC and SPI. After ultrasonic clean measure PP3V42_G3H 1.8V. Checked U6990 no corrosion . R6995 ,R6996 checked fine, when i injected 3.42V PP3V42_G3H fan spin and dong noise ok. ( didnt checked screen yet)
Where around can i start?
Board is not turn power on,not sign of liquite , user said power off suddenly.
When i check voltage
PPBUS_G3H : 12.5v
PP3V42_G3H: 3.42V
PP5V_S5 : 5V
PP5V_S4 : 0V
PP5V_S0 : 0V
PP3V3_S5: 0V
U7501 is creating PP3V3_S5: 0V and PP5V_S4 : 0V. When i check this part S5_PWR_EN is...
Board is not turning power on when i measure PPBUS_G3H shows 1.5V. Removed F7040-F7041 PPBUS_G3H is 12.5V ok. After injected 3.5v PPBUS_G3H line GPU is warming up. Then I removed R8998,R8999,C8961,C8962,C8963,C8964 GPU is not warming so GPU is dead ? And now also machine can not power on is...
No liquid damage signs on board but backlight not working.
BKLT_EN = 3.3V
try to replace u7701 and u7750 also from donor board but nothing changed:(
what can i check...
this machine not detect memory. I cant see sign of liquid.
L3330 shows 1.49V
changed U7300
what can i check next step any idea? ( I tried known good memory module, PRAM and SMC reset)
I have A1425 and power off randomly one day working without any problem then shutdown machine by user 2 hour later cant open when OS loading or login screen power off.
Machine not have serial ( user said apple changed board in warranty but i m not sure) ASD gives this error;
Any idea...
Board was liquide damaged. After cleaning by ultrasonic cleaner it was worked but one day later it stopped. When i checked voltage cant see PP5V_S3.
When i checked u7200 its too hot and replaced it 2 times but nothing changed its also hot. After that i was removed...
Hi everybody
I have 820-2850 board, its have PPBUS_G3H 2V. When i checked voltage CHGR_UGATE is 2V so Q7030 cant create PPBUS_G3H. ( When i inject 12.8 V PPBUS_G3H line machine is working )
Replaced 3 times U7000 ,q7030,q7035 ( same time replaced) . I cant find ISL6259AHRTZ datasheet for...
Hi Everybody
820-2850 is working with charger , shows battery and charging but its too slow ( in 40Min. %2 charged). When i checked voltage see PPBUS_G3H is 11.8 volt but must be 12.8V. Louis wrote few times 1or 2 volts is missing on PPBUS_G3H its cause from SMC but i want to ask again any...
Hello everyone
I have a 820-3330-B board.have greenlight at magsafe ,charging battery, when plug charge machine not turning on ( fans not working ,not chime etc) but GPU is hot up. When i checked voltage cant get ALL_SYS_PWRGD so cant get CPUVCORE.
Can you help me?
A1370 820-3024 came our service with liquid spill around SMC. Turning on with ac adapter but not start without ac adapter. I cleaned liquid and replaced some resistors looks like damaged. Now starting with out ac adapter and chargin battery not problem but few minutes later fan runs high and...