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  1. V

    820-3332 - Momentary fan spin

    Yes - the pulsing ones are stable now. Occasionally it reverts to quarter fan spin though, which comes with the pulsing again.
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    820-3332 - Momentary fan spin

    Well... I'd certainly like to continue with the repair for as long as you are willing to help me with it! But if you think it is time to give up - i will listen. I am not testing the board with battery, just charger. Actually yes you are right - 5V_S0 is steady while the fans are spinning.
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    820-3332 - Momentary fan spin

    PPBUS_G3H was measuing 12.25v when you told me it was the GPU before... Yeah I've tried SMC bypass - it starts with all the fans blazing at full speed straight away, rather than building up, but aside from that nothing else happens. It doesn't switch on properly and none of the voltages change.
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    820-3332 - Momentary fan spin

    Okay, here are current voltages. PPBUS_G3H - 12.25v 3V42_G3H - 3.42v PP3V3_S5 - 3.33v PP3V3_SUS - 3.33v SMC_RESET_L - 3.38v PM_BATLOW_L - 3.32v PM_RSMRST_L- 3.30v PM_PWRBTN_L - 3.41v PM_DSW_PWRGD - 3.41v PCH_DSWVRMEN - 3.21v PPVRTC_G3H - 3.33v RTC_RESET_L - 3.32v SYSCLK_CLK32K_RTC = 0.433v...
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    820-3332 - Momentary fan spin

    You suggested that already and I have done that. The system worked with the GPU bypassed for a while and then died.
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    820-3332 - Momentary fan spin

    Well... It lasted 10 days lol. The laptop has gone back to being totally dead, except the symptoms are consistent now. When turned on, the fans slowly increase in speed until they are at full speed. The laptop then stays in that state, fans at full speed and nothing on screen, no boot chime. No...
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    820-3332 - Momentary fan spin

    Dude... I fixed it!!! Turns out - they had crushed C8431, which has FB_A0_VREFC on it. I cant imagine why this caused the fault symptoms as it wasn't shorted, it was open. Does that make sense to you?
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    820-3332 - Momentary fan spin

    Yeah... you’re totally right. Listen - thanks so much for all your help on this, I have learned a lot from you.
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    820-3332 - Momentary fan spin

    I just don't understand why a replacement battery would have killed the cpu, pch or GPU :(. Maybe it's time to give up...
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    820-3332 - Momentary fan spin

    Yeah - the heat has definitely changed something c ause it doesn't turn off any more. It just spins up to full speed and then stays like that until i cut the power.
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    820-3332 - Momentary fan spin

    Okay, So i have more news on this. I searched for the dGPU hardware disable mod as you suggested. I found it on the facebook post and I did it, all of it - it was not fun lol. The board still has the exact same symptoms though! So that suggests that the problem is NOT the GPU. Can you help?
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    820-3332 - Momentary fan spin

    Thank you so much for all your help. Are there any signals i should check to absolutely confirm the GPU is at fault?
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    820-3332 - Momentary fan spin

    is there anything I can do to absolutely confirm that the GPU is faulty? Also anything i can do to disable it and just use intel gpu?
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    820-3332 - Momentary fan spin

    For sure? It’s game over?
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    820-3332 - Momentary fan spin

    Oh dear... the plot thickens. After the above, I decided to resolder U8900 again, this time removing it completely from the board and once again replacing all the solder and soldering it back on. The joints looked absolutely perfect and look perfect again now. However, after doing this - the...
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    820-3332 - Momentary fan spin

    "Resolder U8900; use leaded solder. " I should have mentioned - this was the first thing I did. I've done it and checked it twice. L8930 Resistance to ground - 26.2ohms L8960 Resistance to ground - 26.2ohms 1V05_SUS - 1.062v PP3V3_S4_FET - pulses to 1.7v PP3V3_S3_FET - pulses to 3v...
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    820-3332 - Momentary fan spin

    L7630 - Pulses to 1v L7720 - pulses to 1.7v L8310 - nothing L8360 - nothing L7770 - pulses to 1.5v
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    820-3332 - Momentary fan spin

    I'm not exactly sure what you're looking for when you say big coils. If you're talking about the large inductors on the board... L2406 - pulses to 0.8v L7530 - nothing L7520 - nothing L7510 - nothing L7550 - nothing L7560 - nothing L8960 - nothing L8930 - nothing L9830 - pulse to 0.5v L7330 -...
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    820-3332 - Momentary fan spin

    Okay! Will remember that for next time - thank you. PM_SLP_S5_L - pulses to 3.33v and down to 0 PM_SLP_S4_L - pulses to ? around 2v and then down to 0 PM_SLP_S3_L - pulses to ? around 3v and then down to 0 PM_SLP_S3_R_L - pulses to ? around 3.2v and then down to 0
  20. V

    820-3332 - Momentary fan spin

    Thanks a lot for your reply. Board is completely disconnected from everything apart from charger and fans. No result from SMC Bypass mode. PPBUS_G3H - 12.25v 3V42_G3H - 3.42v PP3V3_S5 - 3.33v PP3V3_SUS - 3.33v SMC_RESET_L - 3.38v PM_BATLOW_L - 3.32v PM_RSMRST_L- 3.30v PM_PWRBTN_L - 3.41v...