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  1. GoobyPlzz

    A1708 820-00840-A No power 5v 0amp

    I'm going to be honest man, I don't know what exactly you're asking or telling me to look at. What do you mean we don't know if I get the correct LDO's voltage on the CD3215 chips? I gave you the reading I found, not sure how I'm suppose to spot check that. I realize each one has 4 LDO lines, I...
  2. GoobyPlzz

    A1708 820-00840-A No power 5v 0amp

    I'm showing PPBUS_G3H at .403V (diode mode) Putting F7000 back on 1V1 LDO is showing .1 mV - .2mV back and forth on both sides at the same time.
  3. GoobyPlzz

    A1708 820-00840-A No power 5v 0amp

    Power in, no battery: Removed F7000 C7050 was at 50mV DIODE Readings (no power obviously) PP1V1_UPC_XA_LDO_BMC 0 .523V pp1V1_UPC_XB_LDO_BMC - 0.523V XA_LDOA .530V XB_LDOB .530V XA_LDOD .490V XB_LDOD .494V PP3V3_UPC_XA_LDO .511v PP3V3_UPC_XB_LDO .506V PP3V3_PDO3V - .419
  4. GoobyPlzz

    A1708 820-00840-A No power 5v 0amp

    D6905 was the culprit, PPDCIN wasn't making contact, now that it's fixed I get 3.4v on 3V3G3H, still stuck at 5.191v 0a Updated numbers With the battery removed: pp3v3_s5 0.0mV pp1v8_s5g 0.0 pp3v3_G3H 3.4V ppbus_g3h_cpu 40mV ppbus_g3h_s5 46.8 mV ppbus_g3h -50mV pp20v_usbc_xa_usbx-Ca_vBus_conn...
  5. GoobyPlzz

    A1708 820-00840-A No power 5v 0amp

    R6993 - 30.6 mV R6994 - 7.8 V (both sides) R6995 - 3.4V (right side) R6995 - 1.1V (left side) R6996 -30.6 mV (right side) R6996 - 1.013 V (left side R6997 - 3.4V (both sides) C6993 - 4.8V C6994 - V3V3G3H__BST_R 7.7V C6994 - V3V3G3H_SW 3.4V Can't seem to find XW6995 as always, thank you for...
  6. GoobyPlzz

    A1708 820-00840-A No power 5v 0amp

    Good morning, No signs of liquid damage. When I received the board, only one of the USB-C Ports was working, I replaced the CD3215 with a correct C00 version and now both ports work. Prior to replacing the CD3215 PP3V3_G3H was at 2.1v, not it's at 4.8v. However, the device still does not turn...
  7. GoobyPlzz

    820-02098 Keyboard not typing, liquid dmg

    I wanted to update you, I ended up reseating the chip again and made sure all pads made contact, and I'm happy to report that keyboard is completely functional now. Thank you very much for pointing me to the right direction.
  8. GoobyPlzz

    820-02098 Keyboard not typing, liquid dmg

    So I reflowed the chip and replaced a cap that wasn't showing ground and the keyboard is now functional.... except the return / enter key. Trying to look through the boardview now, I see there are special call outs for Right Shift and Left Shift, but nothing that says "return" or "Enter". I...
  9. GoobyPlzz

    820-02098 Keyboard not typing, liquid dmg

    So unfortunately after soldering the chip on the keyboard still does not function. This is a personal device now so I'm not going to give up even if I have to be patient on a solution
  10. GoobyPlzz

    820-02098 Keyboard not typing, liquid dmg Would something like this work?
  11. GoobyPlzz

    820-02098 Keyboard not typing, liquid dmg

    Thank you very much. I'll do just that.
  12. GoobyPlzz

    820-02098 Keyboard not typing, liquid dmg

    Hi there thank you for the welcome! Is there somewhere I can get these chips aside from a donor board? And is the chip literally called UT101? I appreciate your help thank you.
  13. GoobyPlzz

    820-02098 Keyboard not typing, liquid dmg

    Looking for a way to source a new chip for the UT101 spot. Above removal of the chip that was there it completely broke in half and fell apart (yes I know, throw tomatoes). The caps were all replaced with new caps now and all that is missing is the chip. L16A030D215 is what is written on it...