820-00165 - Fan spin, no image, no chime


I have an 820-00165 with no chime (and no image).
- Green/orange light
- All power lines are ok
- Fan spins



PPVCC_S0_CPU = 1.8V. J6100 looks fine. Area around u6100 looks (and measures ok).

Earlier I've replaced the clock chip. Is it worth replacing that again, just in case something went wrong?
I've connected a USB mouse and it's weird. It cycles through flashing two times rapidly and then nothing for 3-4 seconds, again and again.
Hey Duke, I've just tested it again thoroughly with just the bare board and an IO board. It does the flashing thing on the board itself. Contrary to what I said before, on the IO board it just flashes once when connected and stays off after that. Sorry for the confusion.


I have no idea, could be anything. Inspect again for corrosion especially in U6100 area and the resistors there. Also J6100
I'll check it again when I get home from work. Would replacing the BIOS be a good option to test? I don't know yet how to deal with the ME region, but it should work (slow) without cleaning it right?