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got in a 820-2533 with graphics errors, just wondering if this model also needs the part changed out like the rest of the 2009 models and if so what is the part number?
lol good 2 know.. that is what the customer said i didn't even test it until now. appears to be liquid damaged. powers on to a chime but has no video, the backlight turns on partially not a bright screen but faint. no data. found the u7840 pin 6 3v42_g3h was burned off the tab. i replaced it and its still the same thing i'm checking pin 3 on the u7840 and im getting 3.34v it says its p1v05_s5_pgood should this be 1.5v or is 3.34v correct there?
also c7840 looks like rainbow colors on the 3v42 side.