820-2915 216-0810001


Hi does anyone know of a BOM config (strap resistors) that will allow a 216-0810001 chip to work on a 512M samsung

Got one working with a 1gb samsung but 512 is no display and im concerned ive got a bad chip or its not compatible atall!.


There should always be display. It will hang during boot if strapping is wrong. Probably bad soldering and also just use the correct chip, too many headaches with swapping them.

If you ever get a 0810005 to work with 1GB Samsung I'd like to know, I couldn't.


Hi Duke. Probably a bad chip, was an old date code from a supplier i havent tried prior, im waiting for my china shipment to come in and im in a bit of a pickle with no chips atall and customers not wanting to wait.

I think i have but i cant remember, done a bunch of them and for the last 6 months ive just replaced 084's with 005's only having to change the BOM config resistors.


New member
did you figure out the solution for this?
Im having a tough time here with this as well, trying to replace the 216-081005 with 216-0810001 , it's samsung vram with 512m.

I tried hy 1g and samsung 1g replacement before, they all worked. but for this 512m one ,not sure how to do the strap resistor configuration.
(out of 005 in hand now, only have few 0809000 and 0810005, tried 0809000, but white screen only...which usually would work for most of the boards,not this one though)

thanks ahead