820-2915, many problems


New member
hdd connector ripped off the board pads pulled, connector replaced jumpers ran
wifi connector ripped off the board pads pulled, connector replaced jumpers ran
now no green light
this is a strange one because over current protection circuit seems fine, nothing looks particularly fucked up, some of the case grounding springs ripped off
are N/C pads actually ground? and why are there caps which are NC on both side?
diode mode measurements from probing caps
c8942 0V 7ohm
c1756 0.04v 133ohm
C2493 0v 14ohm
c2401 0.004v 14ohm
c7722 0.08v 240ohm

ppbus 12.6V
pp3v42 3.478

this has been here at the bottom of the pile for 2 months now, its time for me to fix it or bin it


New member
changed adapter have green light, dont have battery, 3.32v@r3222, is your board view for this one messed up?


New member
was using 85w magsafe 2, this only worked on some boards, now using 60w magsafe L SMC_ADAPTER_EN @R5085 3.396V


Need to be using an 85W charger for 2915, not 60W. Shouldn't affect your green light, but still won't power board on without battery, etc.


I think SMMRepair means since you are using a 60w charger, the only way the board would power on is with a charged battery.
If you use a 85w charger, you will be fine, no need for battery.
I use only 85w with magsafe 2 adapter and so far so good.


New member
that makes sense because the board can draw more current with a battery attached, thanks, I was using the magsafe 2 but getting a green light was a bit hit and miss due to the connector being a bit larger

now changed to 85W magsafe L
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