820-2915 Missing PM_SUS_L


Got a bit of a dog of a 820-2915 in today, Fixed pp3v42 short, Bad SMC, PP3v3_s0 shorted capacitor.

Now it sits in S5 with no PM_SUS_L
PP3v3_S5 present, pp5vs5 Present, SMC_BATLOW present, PM BATLOW not present. again, this one is bugging me a little as i cant seem to figure it and dont want to replace the PCH just yet.


Was a liquid spill board, i suspect someone has messed with it before, c6880 and the amplifier above it were both shorted.


Look at R1800 etc, 32kHz from clock chip. But yeah this board was messed with and it could also have killed the PCH. I wouldn't bother too much with it.


I need this one to work, its a replacement for the return that keeps catching fire :eek:.

I got bored of measuring and thought that as it has been sat for 6months + and has had varius people take it apart.ect i would give the PCH a reflow.

Machine came back to life, think ill replace the PCH to be safe. Am i right in saying these arnt flip chip though so i can get away with reflowing PCH's?


Probably something else got heated and made it work again. Could be corrosion under SMC or PCH. I would not replace the PCH, the most you should do to it is reball to avoid ME issues. Maybe flux the SMC and pray this one is OK. Replace the GPU too of course or it will be back again for that.


Seems to be running stable. I had previously replaced the SMC as the first was dead, Think it was probably crap under the SMC that the ultrasonic cleaner didnt resolve.
Will run extended test tomorrow and cross my fingers.