820-2936 - AHT says ok, system boots.... but dies if going into sleep


New member
(This is the same laptop as: https://www.rossmanngroup.com/boards...sing-p3v42_g3h)

History: Replaced R6995. L6995 and U6990, pulled a wire to R6995 (Pin 1, PVIN_G3H_P3V42G3H) and the system booted again.

EFI AHT gives passed, normal AHT gives passed. System works fine (Although maybe a bit slow? But that could be since I'm only used to HDDs. Its usable though) and keeps on working fine until you put it into sleep by either pressing sleep or closing the lid.

Going from S0 into S5 works fine, going into S3 seems to cause issues though. It says in S0 with the CPU getting hotter and hotter.

Where to even start looking? I never had an issue like this before


New member
Possibly some dirt under the SMC, a good reflow with a fair amount of flux fixed the issue.

I'll be checking it couple of times to see if it keeps working even after it cooled down for a day before I give it back
