820-2936-b no S3 power state


No water damage to this board, no repair attempt, "It Used to work good until it didn't anymore :) "
Current sensing r7051 was 70ohms: replaced. I can see orange light when the battery is plugged.

PPBUS_G3H 12.60V
PP3V42_G3H 3.44V with green light

L7220 3.3V (PP3V3_S5)
L7260 0V (PP5V_S3)

No S3 power state no PM_SLP_S4_L

Checked RTC clock circuit and have PPVRTC_G3H, PP3V3_S5 and 32kHz clock

PM_PWRBTN_L high 3.44V
PM_SYSRST_L low 0.082v
PM_RSMRST_L high 3.28v
SMC_RESET_L high 3.42v
PM_BATLOW_L high 3.29v

I would love to blame the SMC for not outputing PM_SYSRST_L but it seems to be alive.

U6100 pin 7 SPIROM_USE_MLB is only 0.52V maybe this doesn't mean anything since something upstream is missing.

Any suggestion?


Yes both PM_SLP_SUS_L and SMC_BATLOW_L are present (3.3v).
And sorry for U6100 pin 7 SPIROM_USE_MLB is 0.052V not 0.52v


Yes PM_SUS_EN is high.

Not in front the board for Q7820 voltages.
But SUS version of 3v3 and 5v are present from the begining.

PP3V3_SUS and PP5V_SUS present.
PP5V_S3 and PP3V3_S3 not present.

Don't know if SUS (suspend?) state is same than S3 state.


Check if there are any pulses on 5V_S3, they are hard to see on a multimeter, better to use scope if you have one.


Here is what i get (Pin 1/ 2) :
R1800 3.3V / 3.21V
R1801 3.3V / 3.04V
R1802 3.3V / 3.3V
R1803 3.3V / 3.3V


Yes PM_SUS_EN present and it's enabling PP3V3_SUS, PP5V_SUS they are present.

I use only original magsafe 1 85w with a magsafe 2 adapter when needed.

Yes I have green light, I have also orange light when battery is plugged in.


If you are sure there is no pulse on 5V_S3 and you are using a good 85W charger then the only thing I can think of is SMC or PCH at this point.

Check a last few things: SMC_LID is high and PM_SLP_S4_L check for pulses if it is not high.


So I came back to this board:

-SMC_LID is high (3.4V) and no pulses from PM_SLP_S4_L with scope (0V)
-Replaced SMC and exactly same issue (SMC seems running, 12,6v on ppbus and orange light when charging battery).

I found something wrong at R5076 pin 2 compared to working board but I don't know if it is a consequence or actually the cause of the issue:

At R5076 pin 2 SMC_PME_S4_WAKE_L is low 0V, at pin 1 PP3V3_S4 is ok 3.3V
R5076 checks ok 98.5kohms
Diode mode reading on SMC_PME_S4_WAKE_L 0.575 and 0.123 on PP3V3_S4

SMC_PME_S4_WAKE_L is an output from U5701 pin51 and it's also 0V, U5701 Seems powered because VDD is 3.3v.

Any toughts before replacing the usb controller?
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Yeah to the pile :) They are 3.3V on C1802/03.
And for USB controller not outputting SMC_PME_WAKE_L I think it's normal because it's not enabled by PSOC_VBUS_EN witch derives from PM_SLP_S4_L...