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have a 820-2936 with no data. the screen under a flashlight shows really dark. tested the l9008 & l9004 both are good. I also replaced the lvds connector. any ideas?
yes 3v on both l9004/8 and a solid 3v on the smc lid. when i turn it on the screen reacts and makes the light become hard to see through the glass. if i turn it off i can see my light very well. this is the same thing im getting with the other board i have the 820-2914. what would make the screen turn dark to the point where my flashlight cannot show through it very well?
came across this board in a pile. i went over and checked the readings here and PPBUS_SW_LCDBKLT_PWR_SW = 12.4v this is good right?
pp3v3_sw_lcd im getting 3.4v.
and on PPVOUT_SW_LCDBKLT im getting 27v and this is good also. i am noticing you said that the backlight is not boosting but with 27v does that not mean the back light is fully boosted? i get a faint screen light and know the backlight has turned on but not at full brightness, also i am getting no data or logo but i get a nice long dong. could this have to do with the gmux or perhaps the graphics? i checked the pwm and getting 3.4v
i'm getting a black screen with backlight. just tried replacing the connector and tried swapping out the screen, no change. i tested the screen on a working board and the screen is working. there are some red points around the connector and u9701.