820 3023 - No fan Spin


New member

working on board 820 3023, Q9425 has been touched i remove and replace for a new one! no liquid damage and no corrosion points!

when i plug the charger fan don't work, but the board looks like it's working.

i have a working board for another repair and the only voltages missing is: =PPDDR_S3_REG, =PPVCORE_S0_CPU_REG, =PPVCORE_S0_AXG_REG.

i compare in diode mode l7330 to a good work board and have the same result 0.195v.

i compere some points in diode mode and l7630 (=PPCPUVCCIO_S0_REG) i have 0v, in resistance mode 2 ohm. a working board have 0.016v , 25ohm! the curios when i plug the charger i have 1.06V.

suggestions?? cpu dead??