820-3115-b No PPVCORE_S0_CPU_REG


New member
I had 820-3115-b dead board after water damage, after visual inspection noticed that R5077 R5078 and R5079 were destroyed i replaced them i got green light and fan spin but no chime i measured for VCORE and that was missing i followed one of Louis videos where he replaced u7400 and Q7510 Q7520 AND Q7550 i did monkey see monkey do job, after replacement i had the same problem, so i started measuring and i noticed that i don have CPUIMVP_UGATE1G on Q7500 and that took me back to U7400 i measure R7402 and R7403 they were fine but what i noticed that i don't have PPVIN_S0_CPUIMVP i follow the rail i come to PPVIN_S5_HS_OTHER_ISNS and that rail took me to U5410 and i noticed that i don have voltage on pin 4 and 5 so i jump wires from R5410 the computer turn on now everything is good i just have small issue that Louis mentioned in one of his videos but I can't find the video where on the LCD on the bottom part having bright dots all along the LCD length. Any ideas???