820-3209 macbook air no SSD


Active member
Hi all,

got in a MacBook air from a "repair company" came in with water damage they cleaned it, looks very nice.
but it wont reconize any ssd in the ssd slot..

PP3V3_S0_SSD_FLT 3.296 volt

SSD_RESET_L 3.293volt

SATA_PCIE_SEL 3.065volt


Active member
U4510 pin 1/10/6 3.294volt

c4518 0.131v
c4517 0.133v
c4513 0.006v
c4512 0.003v
c4516 0.003v
c4515 0.002v
c4511 0.512v
c4510 0.512v


Yeah measuring voltages on high speed data lines is quite useless. Diode mode on both side of all the caps are more useful.


Active member
Yes very usefull especialy when you already told the multimeter is to slow to catch the pulse.............

P1 P2

c4518 0.769 0.289
c4517 0.769 0.289
c4513 0.769 0.284
c4512 0.769 0.284
c4516 0.769 0.326
c4515 0.769 0.326
c4511 0.769 0.299
c4510 0.769 0.299

did not know if these are needed atm.....
c4520 0l 0.289
c4521 0l 0.289