820 3330 pp5v_s5


New member
820 3330 PP5V_S5 voltage decimal jumps 3.697-36.97v, and I get a lightning bolt in my fluke. No water damage, is this an SMC issuse...

Diode mode readings
PP5V_S5 .432V
PP5V_S3 .400V
PP5V_S0 .401V

PP3V3_S5 .140V
PP3V3_S3 .343V
PP3V3_S0 .293V


New member
Just to be clear, are you saying your 5V rail jumps between 3.7V and 37V?

Resistance in Ohm between PPVIN_S5_HS_OTHER_ISNS and PP5V_S5?


New member
Yes, the decimal jumps back and forth making it 3.7 then 37v. Every time I retest voltage on that line, it changes it might say 4.2v and the decimal will once again jump back and forth from 4.2v to 42v, or 2.7v and 27v, so on and so forth.


New member
Duke looks like i made a rookie mistake, PPBUS_G3H read 12.59v, when I first tested it, so I moved on. Tested it again today and if I hold the probe there for a few sec it power cycling for 12.59v, 10.5v, 11.5v, back to 12 again. Line is not short, I changed u7000 still power cycling...
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