820-3332 U8900 Fix Question


U8900 is only the fix on boards that have no GPU Vcore or GPU Vcore shuts down when you tap/flex the board. Were these boards "clean" failures or are these pulled from scrap?


Thanks, duke. I didn't realize that U8900 issue was only a fix for GPU vcore-specific failures. These are all clean-pulls from failed units, yeah. I noticed that 3 of the 4 failed boards (i.e. the ones that weren't repaired by resoldering U8900) are the early 2013 2.4/8 configuration, whereas several of the ones that were successfully repaired were mid-2012 models (of various configurations). I wonder if that will give a clue as to which boards specifically will be more likely to be repaired? Or just coincidence. Interesting either way.


I have not had issues yet. Take the early 2013 ones to Apple, most are still covered. You may have to push a bit to get them fixed if they will not boot though.