820-3437 start shutdowns randomly


New member

I've been working on that board for a while but I still can't get it...
Wherever or not it is plugged to the charger it may stop anytime. I can use it for a day without any issue but the next one it may shutdowns 3-4 times for no particular reasons.

Everything other than the mainboard itself has been replaced, everything, so it has to be the mainboard.

The board had corrosion near U7501 and on R5595 near the SMC.
The board was working though at the time the customer brought the Mac and redoing the area didn't help apparently...

I read Duke answers on 820-3209 boards to replace the capacitors on PPVRTC_G3H line connected to the PCH but same.

Any hint?


Could be corrosion anywhere. Pulled U7501 and checked for corrosion on the pads? Pulled SMC and checked for corrosion?