820-3536 OS freeze.


New member
No liquid. No impact.

Board is very clean, boots to OS then freeze.
After freeze there is no USB, Tpad or KB. Before freeze it's fine.

Tried 3 SSDs with different OS.
Tried new top case.
ASD EFI reports no errors.
Boots in safe mode with no freeze.

Will try ASD OS see what happens.


Run the memory tests in ASD OS several times over. Could be bad RAM. Had the same issue on several 3536 boards in the past before they finally gave up the checker-board pattern.


New member
Hmm, interesting. OK will do but as soon as I find 3s162 OS that is not corrupted!
My EFI image is good. OS image is not mountable for some reason.


If it doesn't crash in safe mode it will most likely not be RAM, it is a KEXT crashing. First remove everything that is not essential for the board to work. Is there any clues in the system logs?


New member
If it doesn't crash in safe mode it will most likely not be RAM, it is a KEXT crashing. First remove everything that is not essential for the board to work. Is there any clues in the system logs?

Get back to you on that one. I'll take a look tomorrow.


The console app will have all the logs. Just check all the logs for the last thing before the system locked up.