820-3662 having strange touchpad and keyboard problem,work interminttent


New member
having a strange board here. 820-3662, perfect looking,no liquid spilled.

Keyboard and touchpad work fine when OS boots up. but when the machine is handling multi tasking or being used almost fully.

then the keyboard and touchpad just stop working,not the machine freezes,when you plug in the mouse ,it can work. but touchpad and keyboard just stop.

don't even know where to start
any thoughts?


New member
the customer actually installed a new trackpad and keyboard already, the bottom part now had been replaced. same story.
ASD shows nothing wrong


I have no idea. KB and TP are a simple USB device. When they stop working do they disappear from the system information? I would still suspect liquid around TP connector or U4801


New member
anything possible related to PCH ? since this is usb related?

a strange hint is that, this only happens when the machine is fully loaded..just do internet browsing won't have that happened. ran some intense program like photoshop or testings software would likely to make that happen