Bios programming video?


New member
Hello all! I hope someone here has a great memory! About 1-2 months ago, I saw one of Louis's videos where he had a bad bios chip on a motherboard. It worked when he heated it up to a point and he grabbed the programing off of it then reprogramed a new one and removed a portion so it could re mary to the CPU...

What video was that?? Haha I have been looking through videos for a few hors now to no avail. I'm pretty sure it was a few hours long video on top of it.

I hope everyone is doing well!


New member
Duke, I don't need to, but want to educate my self for if/when I need to. I just got my flasher yesterday in the mail and wanted to practice some and understand what would need to be done. Also I don't think it could hurt to grab some bios files off of my doaner boards to start a collection for if others need them. I would rather mess something up while playing around with it then on a client's computer XD