[SOLVED]820-00165 recognizes battery wont charge

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New member
the 00165 board i fixed by replacing the smc, powers on by battery, runs on battery, thinks its charging the battery but it cannot read how many mah are remaining. it will power on with 1% battery and then goes to 0% wile its on and runs on 0% battery. i think it will even charge without it on but when its on its not (but not 100% yet still need to double confirm). it reads everything about the battery but it says 0 mah remaining charge but says charging yes, and it says over 10 hours till fully charged. any ideas?


New member
left it charging wile off. battery was up to 6% after 5 min or so and when powered on it was charging went from 6% to 10% and mah remaining is 706 now. so not sure wth was going on but i guess the battery was to low for the system? anyone know if this is a common thing for a dead battery? any way glads it working without any work consider this solved. :D
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