[SOLVED]820-3115-B defect gpu?

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New member
hi got a 820-3115-b green light turning on but only high fan hot gpu and white screen ? is the gpu death??
greetings triple6r


New member
(L9004) i got 3.3 on pin 1 and pin 2 0,311 i try extern display from my pc and i got a question mark folder but this hdd is empty and with extern display still high fan spin


Measure it and then think why L9004 could fry as it does not "just" do this. Probably a short to GND on the LCD connector side, so check for that before replacing it.


New member
i know what happend with this board had backlight problem i replace f9700 t i put this board back in a liquid damaged Lcd cable body and f*ckt up now already 2 boards this stupid mistake
a measure pin2 of lcd connector to ground i got 35.90 k ohms ?
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