[SOLVED]820-3536 - not reading serial no.


board was liquid damaged and charging didn't work. I've fixed by replacing ISL and Q7130

board now powers on, goto OSX etc..

but when I goto About this Mac, Serial number field is unavailable
same when I use ASD.

Blank Board Serializer software doesn't let me write serial.

I then desolder the SPI Rom and put in the programmer then read the dump. the serial is right there....

do I have a corrupt SPI rom or something else is fuked??

my rom dump
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New member
Most likely a corrupted rom, you might get away by removing the serial number and then flashing it back with BBS.

Duke most probably knows what to do


I read somewhere BBS doesnt work on retina board so I haven't try removing the Serial number. I know that I need to replace with the string "SystemSerial".

I get duke to do it as he know how to put ME region.

one thing to add... manufacture date is also missing. but everything else is there on cocobattery
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New member
I think coconutbattery gets the manufacture date from the serial number. I think BBS v1.1 still worked on the 2013 models but I might be mistaken. I remember using it on a Retina macbook before with success though