[SOLVED]820-3662 A PPbus G3h Short To Ground


Hey Guys working on this 15in 820-3662 does not turn on has green light on charger, has a short to ground on ppbus G3h circut So i removed fuses 7040 and 7041 put meter in diode mode short shows up on pin2 going to system. Then i injected voltage and nothing really gets hot but i used a flair inferred and only saw u7310 getting warm so i removed chip from board, tested for short and short was gone I replaced u7310 chip tested for short again and it was back any ideas on what component is causing this short?


U7310 was shorted so the CPU is already dead. When a FET is shorted you always replace the controller too so U7200. But as I said the CPU will 99% certain not have survived this.


Copy that Duke i will remember this advice for next time any ideas what could have shorted this out there was no water damage.