Source for J9500 and other connectors?


I pull connectors from boards when possible, of course, but I don't have a dedicated IR machine to easily pull them from newer boards (with better heat sinking abilities) yet. Some connectors, like the J9500 connector, are an absolute pain to remove from donor boards, and it would be so much easier if I could just buy 100 of them somewhere. Even the trackpad/keyboard connectors are difficult to remove using the underneath-heat-and-lift method.

Does anyone have a source for them? I've looked for months with no luck. I can remove most other connectors without a problem, but that one really gives me trouble. I end up with a kapton-taped connector that I have to heat so carefully to remove with damaging, etc. I'm thinking of biting the bullet and buying a $200-300.00 IR station solely for removing connectors, but am weary of machines at that price point. I've contacted suppliers of parts boards and asked if they had any sources, but they said they do not.

Any suggestions, one way or the other (opinions on a specific IR machine, or a source for J9500)?
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Heat gun on the bottom and slight heat on the top. I never had issue melting connector, just use more bottom heat.


Thanks, duke. I've tried that 4 or 5 times, and the connector came off well enough twice in good enough condition to use. It's possible, but would be a lot easier to buy them already removed and ready to go! :)

How would you suggest removing the trackpad/keyboard ribbon connector from a board? Same way? Not much to the connector, so covering it in kapton tape is tricky while still leaving the pins partially exposed for heating.


I actually just thought about something I may try (and will report back). I'm going to see how much easier it may be to remove the connector from bad DC-In boards instead. I have a small pile of those, and I bet the heatsinking of those boards isn't as "good" as the logic board itself. I'll report back if it's easier to remove them from those.