Recent content by Blackmambo90

  1. B

    820-00850 stays at 5v

    Hello 2informaticos, Thank you for answer The board was not water damaged, the u300 was blown when the laptop fall down with hdmi connected I have removed the hall sensor (j4800) while working on the u300 pads restoration. The first boot after the u300 replacment was done with out j4800...
  2. B

    820-00850 stays at 5v

    Long time long time... After more than a year i finaly had some time to work on this one againe. Ended up fixing most of the pads and installing another chip (ub300) The mother board does boot and work now How ever i have a couple questions: 1. I ended up not restoring 11, 22, and 26...
  3. B

    820-01700 blown u9580

    Any ways to replace those ssd? Any ways to get them?
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    820-01700 blown u9580

    Oh, forgot to mention: L9580 and L9581 are shorted to ground...
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    820-01700 blown u9580

    Any chanced ssd is alive?
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    820-01700 blown u9580

    Hello @2informaticos, but u9580 should be TPS62180
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    820-01700 blown u9580

    Hello everyone, have this board in and it already been verified by some one who found this chip is blown and removed it Not sure what the original issue was. Is there any point in trying to replace it or just scrap the board because ssd will be bad by now? Any places to get this chip? Thank you!
  8. B

    820-01958 liquid damage

    Cant find a psu with 20amps... is 10amps good ?
  9. B

    A1706/a1708 tcon replacment

    Ok, with a test screen all is working as expected Definitely a problem with tcon board
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    A1706/a1708 tcon replacment

    Hello, got a1706 in with display issue: Cold start with no image but backlight is on, if you leave the machine on, after some time you start to see the image: it start to appear with a lot of horizontal lines and after some time ( i presume when tcon heat up) the image is almost good (just...
  11. B

    820-01958 liquid damage

    Ok i did mesure the current going trough the board and in fact it is 5 amps.. cave no clues at that point 🤔
  12. B

    820-01958 liquid damage

    Yes, max amps wich is 5amps 5 amps should at least heat up the board if the short is between layers... very strange, i wonder if the psu is working as expected, might check that with a thin wire
  13. B

    820-01958 liquid damage

    Sorry not sure i understend 0ohm short on 3v3_g3h is good? On a donor board i have it shows me Kohms..
  14. B

    820-3437 donor board serial number

    Yes, sorry, wrote my question before looking it up How ever now i see there will be issues with checksum Is there a way to do it manually with out medusa?
  15. B

    820-3437 donor board serial number

    Hi there, i am swapping a board on a 2017 mac air with a donor one, is it enough to replace the eeprom on it with the original to have the right sn and all the rest or there is more in to it? Or maybe fix the dump from the donor board?