For $29/mo, we provide access to advanced level technicians who will answer your questions on any Macbook board related matter to the best of their knowledge promptly & walk you through how to solve your problem so you can deliver a working board to your customer.
Hi 2informaticos.
Sorry for the delay, I have been away from work for a few days.
I stupidly reinstalled the mainboard, without getting the model off it first.
However, checking the serial it is a 2019" A2115 iMac 27", which, according to the follow site, indicates that it must be a 820-01236...
Hello again.
I just cloned a customer's iMac internal hard disk onto a 2.5" SSD connected via a USBC adapter.
That completed successfully.
I then removed the AC power, removed the two connectors for the screen, took out the screen, and then replaced the hard disk.
Prior to reassembling it, I...
I have a customers Macbook Pro A2141 that appears dead, no fans or display but trackpad does click.
Customer reported that it worked fine last use, and that it hasn't been dropped.
I removed the back cover, and, apart from dust, no other sign of any liquid ingress or other issues.
Sorry for the delay 2informaticos - I'm only working a few days a week at the moment.
While I have the unit connected to my work mac, which is running the Apple Configurator, and is displaying "Recovery", I measured the coils.
L6900 reads 3.38 Volts
L6901 reads 3.38 Volts
L7030 reads 4.23 Volts...
Hello once again 2informaticos, and thanks for your help.
Yes, I disconnected the screen, and tried it on the original screen that was working, but had stiff hinges.
No display on either, nor on a external screen.
I am able to get it into DFU mode, however, when I try Advanced-Revive Device, it...
Hi all.
We replaced a display assembly with an aftermarket screen.
The customer bought it back a few weeks later stating that the hinges are too tight.
I checked the system booted, and confirmed the faulty hinges, then shut it down, and removed the assembly and replaced with another aftermarket...
Thanks for the list.
Any update on the above list?
I.e. recommended models of solder stations, cameras, power supplies, etc.
Any recommendations for a thermal camera, etc?
Especially for those on a budget. :)
I realise the list is more than 7 years old.
The links to these are dead:
OK, perhaps I make a misdiagnosis re heat causing the issue.
The unit stayed on overnight with the desktop fan on it.
After checking all the data was copied, I then retested it without the fan, and it seems stable.
To check the temps, and the fans, I ran "YES" from the terminal.
The CPU got...
Thanks for your advice once again 2informaticos, and I hope you had a good Easter.
The customer was hoping to get the files back, but were happy to not get them, if we have to wipe it to get it going, which I was going to do via DFU mode.
After the Easter break, I again had a look at...
Hello again.
Working on a 2020 Macbook Pro.
Model A2251
Board model: 820-01949-A
It has no display on the internal screen or on an external screen.
I tried with another new screen as well.
Customer originally reported when they bought it in that it was slow to start up, and was shutting down...
As per the title, does the store sell flux?
A search on the store for flux returns 5 items, solder braid, etc, but no actual flux?
Is it hidden away somewhere?
If the store doesn't stock it, can anyone recommend a decent Brand, and good source for them?
I'm in Tasmania, Australia, but happy to...
Hi all.
Looking at a 820-01958 board that was extensively water damaged.
After cleaning, I'm only getting 5v on both USBC ports.
With the AC adaptor connected to the primary (REAR) USBC port:
With the AC adaptor connected to the...
Hi again.
I found a dodgy capacitor on PPBUS_G3H.
It wasn't a complete short, but was getting hot when I injected a low voltage.
With it removed, the system boots and operates fine.
Thank you for your advice and help, once again, I appreciate it.