Recent content by localpcshop

  1. localpcshop

    Diversifying retail & services

    D_R; That is quite interesting TV repair, in the UK died Many many years ago. think the only reason laptop repair is holding on is because people have data, without that that data most of these cheap Windows laptops are throw away. Our market (or at least from our perspective) is moving...
  2. localpcshop


    lol, I dont!, hence being on this forum But i believe my guys use the fluke 87 which has a frequency Counter -If thats what you mean!
  3. localpcshop


    We use a Rigol DS1052E; it was about about £280 when we bought it. its was only 50Mhz (I say only, i dont think weve ever needed more) but you can upgrade this model to 100Mhz with a software a update - its sweet because the 100Mhz were much more expensive. To be frank, its a nice bit of...
  4. localpcshop

    Diversifying retail & services

    Now we have started selling products; we have found some items Need absolutely zero effort to sell, ranging from 30- 120% markups. I spent 2mins demonstrating an android media center, It dident work property (HDMI lead), I said " well.. you get the point" and walked away- the customer still...
  5. localpcshop

    Diversifying retail & services

    Hi everyone, We have a storefront in north London, We support business and our shop mainly services Home users, Laptop repair ect. Q. How many of you sell products in your shops? - we have just started and found it successful in places. Obviously having cash tied up in stock displayed on our...
  6. localpcshop

    Best flux syringe/needle?

    Hey Well done spakhnyuk; I have been searching on and off for ages for these!