A1990 - brain dead, charges and powers on


I have A1990 that died randomly during use, customer says image on the screen dissapeared when the device was on.

Board is in pristine condition, never dropped, no dust, zero signs of corrosion anywhere.
Trackpad clicks, its powering on and battery is charging. Both cpu and gpu getting warm.

Detected in DFU always, but neither revive or restore worked.
I see that everything stops at:
<<Started checkpoint id: 0x667 (wait_for_macefi_firmware_update)>>
My uninformed guess - bios chip failure?

When I do restore it stops, here is the log.
(full log attached in zip)

My question is - is it worth investigating or is it most likely dead T2/cpu/gpu?

Thank you

DFU log:
[23:57:26.7694] Started checkpoint id: 0x667 (wait_for_macefi_firmware_update)
[23:57:26.9692] RestoreOS mode device disconnected
[23:57:26.9692] RestoreOS device removed before restored completed
[23:58:27.2089] sock 24: recv(24, 4) failed: Operation timed out
[23:58:27.2090] sock 24: unable to read message size: -1
[23:58:27.2092] Failed to receive message from device, might be connection problem with USB host.
[23:58:27.2092] AMRAuthInstallDeletePersonalizedBundle
[23:58:27.2095] preserved personalized bundle: (null)
[23:58:27.2095] <Restore Device 0xb8a2acc00>: Restore failed (result = 9)
[23:58:27.2095] Can't send dump_console command since device is not in recovery mode
[23:58:27.2095] AMRestorePerformRestoreModeRestoreWithError failed with error: 9
[23:58:27.2095] Finished RestoreOS Restore Phase: Failed
[23:58:27.2095] State Machine Dump, status:ERROR - [state:Recovery remaining-cycles:0] -> [state:RestoreOS remaining-cycles:0 (current state)]
[23:58:27.2097] Changing state from 'Restoring' to 'Error'
[23:58:27.2097] State is now set to error: AMRestorePerformRestoreModeRestoreWithError failed with error: 9
[23:58:27.2158] Restore completed, status: 9
[23:58:27.2158] Elapsed time (in seconds): 118
[23:58:27.2158] Restore Checkpoint Fingerprint: 0667.0000
[23:58:27.2158] Failure Description:
[23:58:27.2158] Depth:0 Code:-1 Error:AMRestorePerformRestoreModeRestoreWithError failed with error: 9
[23:58:27.2158] Depth:1 Code:9 Error:Failed to receive message from device, might be connection problem with USB host. (Communication error, possibly USB disconnection)



  • iBridgeUpdater-22.log.zip
    13.2 KB · Views: 0


I have A1990 that died randomly during use, customer says image on the screen dissapeared when the device was on.

Board is in pristine condition, never dropped, no dust, zero signs of corrosion anywhere.
Trackpad clicks, its powering on and battery is charging. Both cpu and gpu getting warm.

Detected in DFU always, but neither revive or restore worked.
I see that everything stops at:
<<Started checkpoint id: 0x667 (wait_for_macefi_firmware_update)>>
My uninformed guess - bios chip failure?

When I do restore it stops, here is the log.
(full log attached in zip)

My question is - is it worth investigating or is it most likely dead T2/cpu/gpu?

Thank you

DFU log:
[23:57:26.7694] Started checkpoint id: 0x667 (wait_for_macefi_firmware_update)
[23:57:26.9692] RestoreOS mode device disconnected
[23:57:26.9692] RestoreOS device removed before restored completed
[23:58:27.2089] sock 24: recv(24, 4) failed: Operation timed out
[23:58:27.2090] sock 24: unable to read message size: -1
[23:58:27.2092] Failed to receive message from device, might be connection problem with USB host.
[23:58:27.2092] AMRAuthInstallDeletePersonalizedBundle
[23:58:27.2095] preserved personalized bundle: (null)
[23:58:27.2095] <Restore Device 0xb8a2acc00>: Restore failed (result = 9)
[23:58:27.2095] Can't send dump_console command since device is not in recovery mode
[23:58:27.2095] AMRestorePerformRestoreModeRestoreWithError failed with error: 9
[23:58:27.2095] Finished RestoreOS Restore Phase: Failed
[23:58:27.2095] State Machine Dump, status:ERROR - [state:Recovery remaining-cycles:0] -> [state:RestoreOS remaining-cycles:0 (current state)]
[23:58:27.2097] Changing state from 'Restoring' to 'Error'
[23:58:27.2097] State is now set to error: AMRestorePerformRestoreModeRestoreWithError failed with error: 9
[23:58:27.2158] Restore completed, status: 9
[23:58:27.2158] Elapsed time (in seconds): 118
[23:58:27.2158] Restore Checkpoint Fingerprint: 0667.0000
[23:58:27.2158] Failure Description:
[23:58:27.2158] Depth:0 Code:-1 Error:AMRestorePerformRestoreModeRestoreWithError failed with error: 9
[23:58:27.2158] Depth:1 Code:9 Error:Failed to receive message from device, might be connection problem with USB host. (Communication error, possibly USB disconnection)

Forgot to add:
NAND voltages present, correct and stable. Measure only left side, only this side is populated


Sounds about right, thank you for the help.

Would you advise a NAND swap? This is definitely an option, I have a couple dead boards with same exact NAND configuration.
I am also familiar with the whole procedure.


Hello again

I've got a question - do I always need P13 programmer or can I do a straight swap from same exact donor board, with same exact configuration without programming the nands?

Thank you, I really appreciate the help


Staff member
No need to reprogram the NANDs, if you get them from same donor board; also MUST solder them in the same position.


Thank you

I took NANDs from A2159, minding channel and position. DFU restore via finder, completed successfully.

Unfortunately mac is still brain dead, both GPU and CPU getting hot, no image on good LCD, no image on external.

Should I try GPU bypass or just let it go?


No caps lock light, connected external USB has a light that turns on. I don't have the USB chipmunk/activity tester


PPVCC_S0_CPU - 0.983V stable
PPVCCIO_S0_CPU - 0.965V stable
PPVCCSA_CPU_R - 1.049V stable
CPUCORE_SW3 - 0.986V stable
CPUCORE_SW2 - 0.985V stable
CPUCORE_SW1 - 0.986V stable


Staff member
CPU core should drop to 0.7V approx, when board boots; after 10-15s.
Steady 0.98V may be sign of CPU, or PCH problems; or even GPU...